The Staff from Below

Start from the beginning

Vara: Okay, so if I remember how to do this correctly, all I have to do is open the portal and hope they'll go through it. 

SMG4: And it's possible to the magic book thingamajig? Are we going or are we bringing?

Vara: Uh...

SMG4: Oh, let me do it.

Vara: Hey! Get off me!

Meggy: Hey, come on, guys! Quit it!

Mario: Yeah, you're causing a ruckus!

Tari: Uh... guys?

Luigi: .. Mama mia...

Melony: Uh... 

Vara: Stop!

SMG4: Let me do it!

They both then toss the Grimoire in the air as it then shot a magic light in the middle of the room. Vara then catches the book and looks through the pages. 

Vara: Phew... not damaged. Next time, let me do it!

SMG4: I'll have you know, that I too know how to use magic. 

Mario: Hm.. WHOA!

Cloud: Guys? Company.

SMG4: What? .. Oh shit!

Vara: Oh... my God. 


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