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When Valerie and I had entered the family room my Mamma had pulled her away from me to talk to her. I was a tad concerned at first knowing how much she could easily scare the girl that I liked off, but after a brief discussion with Mom explaining to give them a few minutes to themselves, I eventually gave in.

Mom had immediately pulled me into the kitchen which was only a wall away from the other pair who sat in the family room. 

She has been teasing me for the past ten minutes about Valerie and how she thinks that I might've "finally found the one."

Then she went on to tell me about how she wouldn't want any grandchildren soon and blah blah blah. I tuned her out when she asked if I needed condoms.

The older version of myself eventually stopped her taunting and just laughed off everything she said while we found ourselves back in the living room where Mamma had been showing Valerie some of her weapons.

What made my eyes widen more was that the brunette seemed intrigued by everything rather than scared. 

Mamma was now explaining to the girl about how she once shot one of Mom's past flings with her gun.

"Baby, you're scaring her." Mom chuckled.

Valerie looks nowhere near scared. Oh god, she's been corrupted.

Then Mamma pouted, "I just wanted to show her it. I take it everywhere— Oddio! Valentina, you have to get her one!"

My eyes widened as I registered what she had said.

"No no no. I will not be buying her a weapon so that she can use it against me whenever she likes." I crossed my arms and glared.

Valerie smirked and looked up at me, "I wouldn't mind."

I choked on air.

Mom patted my back and laughed whilst Mamma went back to talking to my girl with a smile.

I cant believe that she just stole her away from me.

She's supposed to be here helping ME!

Ugh, now I'm jealous.

"Can we be normal for once, Mamma?" I pouted, walking towards where she sat on the L shaped couch.

She looked up at me after showing Valerie how to reload the gun.

"We are normal." she shrugged.

"Definitely not." Mom and I said, the other gray eyed woman chuckling.

"Eh. It's not everyday you are being taught how to use a gun." Valerie cringed, "But I'm not complaining."

Mamma hummed, "I suppose we can do some "normal" things."


The front door bursted open and Alex came in dragging a 9ft tall boxed tree inside.

"Who wants to decorate the tree?!" she exclaimed with a smile.

I threw my head in my hands.


"I wouldn't want to break family tradition though—"

Mamma shook her head, "Nonsense, I'm sure lazy bones will be too WEAK to hold me up there anyways. Besides, you're a part of the family now. Even though I just met you a few hours ago."

Mom had walked up to Mamma halfway through her talk with Valerie and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman.

"You think I'm weak, hm?" Mom whispered against Mamma's lips.

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