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My eyes peeled open and I was met with a blinding light. I groaned and rolled over only to be met with Alex who still had chips in her mouth.

I did the only rational thing that a sister would do to their sibling.

I pushed her off of the bed.

Her body hitting the floor made a thud sound however no one woke up from that— well besides her that is.

"Ow! You fucker!" Alex stood up and glared at me.

I shrugged and got up from the bed, ignoring her glare.

I pointed at Nolan, Hayden, and Mina. Alex took the hint and nodded rapidly. I smirked and ran downstairs with her close behind.

Alex and I filled up two large bowls with cold water. Ice was in the plan, but I didn't wanna give anyone a concussion so there's that.

Our plan was to throw the buckets of freezing cold water onto our friends who were asleep at the moment. When we were all together it was nonstop joking around and pranking one another, so no hard feelings were ever involved.

Mamma walked in the kitchen when we were exiting, her eyes already squinted at us.

She raised an eyebrow at us, studying our behavior. Alex and I put on our best smiles making her laugh.

"Don't ruin the floors." she stepped aside, unblocking our path.

"Sure thing." we said simultaneously.

If there was anything I loved about my Mamma it was that she never stopped us from having fun. Our only limits are for the things that your parents normally scold you about when being a teen such as; not getting someone pregnant or vice versa, being home before curfew, etc.

Alex and I are siblings, twins to be exact. The only difference between us are our personalities. She gets most of her traits from Mom. Mom is chill and eats anything that she can get her hands on, but she has her moments of seriousness, Alex happened to hop in that train. Mom's also intersex, that's something that was passed down to the both of us. Mamma on the other hand is a bit more 'out there.' By that I mean that she usually walks around threatening to shoot anyone who disagrees with her etc. That's where my personality originated from. Together our parents carry a powerful aura, but ninety percent of the time they're just being idiots.

Carefully peeking into the room I noticed that the trio was in the exact same position. Mina's hair being in Nolan's face whom slept with a frown, and Hayden was laying across the both of them snoring loudly. I motioned for Alex to follow as I stepped into the room over to them. Once making it we stood over their faces.



"1." someone whispered causing Alex to screech and drop the heavy bowl on Nolan's face. I laughed and poured mine on Hayden and Mina before backing up. I gasped when a cold liquid splashed over my head. I turned to see Mamma and Mom with proud smiles. They high-fived each other and ran out of the room.

They're dead.

"What the fuck?! Were you trying to kill me?!" Nolan yelled at Alex.

I looked at him to see blocks of ice in his hair.

"I said no ice!" I exclaimed at my twin.

"I thought you said lots of ice!" she fired back, throwing her hands up.

"That doesn't even—"

"I'm going to murder the both of you." Mina calmly said.

"You see we actually—" Alex and I took off out the room and down the hallway.

Multiple pairs of footsteps were heard behind us. We stopped at at a room that I soon realized belonged to Alex. I grabbed her shirt and pulled her in with me before locking the door behind us.

I let out a breath.

A door slam was heard and I stared at Alex.

"Is the closet door locked?"

Alex shook her head making me groan. We shared a closet, it was huge though so no problems ever occurred. The closet connected to both of our rooms. Her side is usually locked. Why isn't it now? Don't know.

"You always lock it!" I whispered-yelled.

"I forgot to last night!" she yelled back.

Someone cleared their throat and we paused. Slowly turning our heads we were met with three soaked friends. Nolan grabbed Alex and threw her over his shoulder. He was going for me but I hurriedly ran out the room and downstairs. Mamma and Mom were there. I smiled sheepishly at them. Mom smirked and picked me up, throwing me over her shoulder.

"Put me down!" I groaned, wiggling around in her grasp as if it would help.

She ignored me and followed after Nolan and the others. My eyes widened when I saw that we were outside. The pool.

"Mom!" I began beating on her back.

She chuckled and launched me into the pool along with Alex. I was only underwater for a while before I swam up to the top and coughed. Everyone laughed whilst Mom and Nolan fist bumped.

"Traitor!" Alex pointed at both of our parents.

"Yeah yeah. All of you, in the shower now!" Mamma announced while walking inside with Mom behind her.

I got out the pool and pulled my shirt over my head revealing my sports bra. Huffing I walked inside and to my bathroom not before punching Nolan in the shoulder. Once I finished with my shower and brushed my teeth I headed downstairs.



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I sat down beside the blonde haired boy, also known as Hayden and dug into the plate that was placed in front of me.

"You owe me a new top." Mina demanded.

Looking up at her with a mouthful of syrup and pancakes I gave her a thumbs up.

"Mhm." I continued stuffing my face.

"Are we going to Dasani's party tomorrow?" Hayden questioned.

"You mean the water bottle?" Nolan arched an eyebrow.

I choked on the orange juice and placed the glass down laughing with everyone.

"He means Tina's little play thing."

I glared at Alex for using that nickname and mentioning her.

"I'm not going." I got up from the table and put away my dishes.

Mina chuckled, "Oh come on. Are you really gonna let one of your little flings ruin our fun?"

"The bitch is crazy." I deadpanned.

"We're going!" Alex cheered with the rest of the group.

I rolled my eyes.

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