You exhaled a breath you didn't know you were holding and hid your face into his side as you felt tears start coming down your face. 'I can't.' You thought to yourself, as you gripped at his shirt. 

Bakugou's POV

While watching the screen, all Bakugou could think was, 'This is all your fault. If you were stronger, All Might wouldn't be there. You need to become better. Become stronger. You failed. If you were better maybe Y/N wouldn't have been kidnapped.' 
The moment Y/N came into his mind, he realized that she was watching the same screen he was. He looked down and could hear deep breaths coming from the girl standing next to him. He knew exactly what she was thinking. 

She was thinking exactly what he was. This was all their fault. But knowing her, she was probably thinking it was more her fault because it was her mother after all. She was probably thinking that the whole league was her fault. 

Bakugou sighed. He knew she wasn't going to do anything about this mini panic attack that she was having. But, as much as he didn't want to be the therapist friend, he felt an urge to protect her. 

Without taking another moment to think, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her into his side, while looking up at the screen watching the battle going on. 

After about 10 seconds, he felt her finally hide her face into his side, while grabbing at his shirt. He couldn't help but feel his face start to heat up a little. 

Something about her feeling safe around him caused butterflies to flutter in his stomach


It took All Might about 5 minutes to finally take All for One down. A few minutes after he did, Kirishima spoke up. "We should probably tell the pros that Bakugou and Y/N are ok." While doing so, he went to rest his hand on Bakugou's shoulder, but Bakugou moved his shoulder out of the way. 

You let go of Bakugou's shirt and move away, whipping any tears that might have fallen. 

Then, you, Bakugou, Jiro, Kirishima, Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and Momo, (Todo and Momo joined you guys when Jiro did) all walked down to the police station. 


You talked with the heroes, got looked over to see if you had any injuries, then talked with the police. And by talked, I mean interrogated. 

They asked you questions about what happened while you were kidnapped if you had any information about them, and if you even knew that your mother was part of the League of Villains. Which, of course, you didn't have any answers to. 

After about 30 minutes of interrogating, and you saying "I don't know", the police finally let you go. 

You walked out of the interrogation room, to the lobby of the police station where only Bakugou was waiting. 'He must have finished his interrogation already.' 

You walked over to the bench, sat next to Bakugou, and rubbed your temples. "Tired?" Bakugou asked, not taking his eyes off the ceiling. 

You hummed in response, then opened your eyes and looked around. "Where is everyone?"

Bakugou opened his eyes and looked around as well. "I don't know. No one was here when I got out." You nodded. 

Then, as if they were listening to you, all of your classmates, that rescued you, walked through the door with looks of fear and guilt plastered to their faces. 
You were confused until you saw your pro hero, homeroom teacher enter the building after them. 

You couldn't help but chuckle. You leaned over to Bakugou and whispered, "Somebody's in trouble." He chuckled as well. 

Mr. Aizawa groaned in annoyance at his students. But he sighed it off and looked at Bakugou. "Your parents are on their way, they should be here soon." Then he turned to you. "But Y/N." He sighed. "Given that your father gave up parental rights, and your stepfather has made it quite clear that you are no longer welcome in his home," 

Please Stop *Y/N × Bakugou (Fem Y/N)*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora