Chapter 12: 8pm

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"Oh, you're here... finally, help me, there is a bottle of wine in the fridge, can you take it and place it on the table? We should also call the others... dinner is almost ready" Pran said when he noticed that Korn was attempting to enter without anyone noticing.

"Umm... sure, no problem..." Korn replied and walked to the fridge.

"I thought that you wanted to bring some sort of board game... Wai told me so" Pran said while cooking.

"Actually..." Korn hesitated embarrassed, knowing that he completely messed up this time and that it was clear almost to anyone that he had feelings for Wai or that he was at least pretending to have them.

"You didn't find it... right? Well... nevermind, actually it is quite normal, you wouldn't believe how many times I've lost my earphones" Pran added jokingly. Korn laughed nervously and did what Pran asked him to do.

After a few minutes all the guests were around the table of Pran's living room, eagerly waiting for the delicious food he was cooking. Finally Pran walked to the table with a large tray, he put it in the center and all the guests started eating.

"So, where is that game you were talking about when you left?" Wai, who was now sitting next to Korn, asked smirking at him.

"I forgot that I ... donated it... to a... ummm.. to an association which works to help poor children of the villages in the north of the country... yeah..." Korn explained hesitantly.

"Oh, for poor children... such a noble action, I am surprised, I didn't think that you could be a kind soul" Wai replied, making it obvious that he was just pretending to believe him.

"Yeah, I know right? I might be an asshole to adults but... I cannot resist those big eyes" Korn added.

"Sure... it is so commendable that it almost feels like it isn't true" Wai said. Korn cleared his throat and stood up disappointed.

"What do you mean Wai? If there is something that you want to tell me then come on, spit the words!" Korn yelled.

"Hey guys, calm down, come on Korn, sit down, I am sure that Wai didn't mean to offend you" Pat said.

"I was just praising his donation... I don't understand why he got so angry all of a sudden" Wai said with a daring tone.

"oh shut the hell up, you are trying to act like Pran when he wanted to get on Pat's nerves! What do you want me to say to make you stop? That I like you? Fine, I might like you. I've never liked anyone so I don't even know if this is really what it is supposed to be... fuck you" Korn tossed his napkin on the chair and got out.

"You really exaggerated this time Wai... you should go and apologize..." Pran said.

Wai didn't say anything and sighed. He continued eating. Pat looked at Pran, they immediately understood each other's thoughts and nodded. Pat walked outside and found Korn in the corridor.

"Hey Korn... don't mind him, you know that he's an asshole..." Pat started.

"You were used to say the same thing about Pran... and now you're together..." Korn replied. 

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