Chapter 8: 3.40 pm

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Pran looked around, he went to the entrance of his apartment to check the effect created by the decorated living room and he enjoyed it a lot. Pat didn't move, he just observed his boyfriend looking satisfied and it was enough for him.

"I've never see you so in love with someone Pat... and who could imagine that Pran could get such a strong effect..." Korn commented as he patted his friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, and I'm not afraid to show it... anyway, I still remember when you said that you had a crush on a guy of the faculty of architecture... you said that you were just acting... but why do I feel like you were quite honest when you mentioned that?" Pat asked smirking.

"Well, just because you aren't shy and you're a friend doesn't mean that I must tell you everything... I might be shy when it comes to certain aspects of my personal life..." Korn responded.

"Tsk, do you think that I will believe it? Who is he? I'm sure that I know him... is it Wai? I would laugh so much if I see you trying to flirt with him when he chases you with a knife" Pat said

"Do you mean that you wouldn't support my coming out? Oh... that's harsh... I won't talk to you anymore then..." Korn added pretending to feel offended, he turned to leave but his friend grabbed his arm and forced him to come back.

"What do you want now?" Korn asked

"You know that I was joking... anyway... if I was right when I said Wai... I think that you should go to Pran and ask him to help you. I'm sure that he will be glad to give you some helpful suggestions, you will win Wai's heart in no time" Pat said chuckling.

"I will pretend that this conversation never happened... let me see if Pran needs something..." Korn said and walked to Pat's boyfriend.

"Oh, Korn, you can rest if you want... everything is ready for the party, I want to thank you again, your help is greatly appreciated" Pran said when Korn reached him.

"Oh... no problem... actually... I wanted to ask you..." Korn started

"If you want to ask me out you know that I'm already taken... I'm a loyal boyfriend" Pran interrupted him

"Oh come on, when will you and your crappy boyfriend stop making fun of me!"

"I was joking, so... who's the lucky one? Louis? Wai? I'm sure it is Louis..."

"No... it's Wai" Korn murmured.

"I knew it... I was just pretending I didn't overhear your conversation with Pat. So, what do you want to know? Favorite dish? He doesn't have one... he eats whatever in sight..." Pran started

"Will you tell me something useful?" Korn said annoyed

"Ok ok... don't get angry, I'll help you... to be honest, I think that there is only one strategy, it works for everyone, and if it doesn't work it just means that you two aren't meant to be together"

"And what is it?" Korn asked curious

"Just go to him, take his hands in yours like this..." Pran gently does it and looks at Korn

"Like this..." Korn repeated like hypnotized

"Wai... listen carefully... cuz I don't think that I will be able to repeat it... I love you" Pran said like he was on stage.

"Will it be enough? Don't you think that I should add something like... I don't know... my heart beats only for you?" Korn asked

"No, that will be too cheesy and he will think that you are making fun of him... don't overdo Korn, do as Pran told you" Pat interrupted

"Alright... thank you two for your help... I hope that I don't get a broken nose after this attempt..." Korn said and walked away.

Pat came closer to Pran and asked him:

"Do you think that he really loves Wai?"

"Nah, he just wants to fight with him again... or maybe he has a crush on him... you must admit that Wai is quite hot... oh right, you will say: No Pran, I have eyes only for you" Pran replied

"What? Of course not! If we are simply judging physical beauty then yes, he's hot... a good one night stand" Pat responded.

"You asshole, we haven't even done it yet and you already talk about one night stands with other hot guys?" Pran said smacking the back of his partner's head.

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