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Hey, hey. Just so you know, there is a playlist I made based on the story, the code is on the media thingy (let me know if you think I should add any songs, love you)

February 14th, 2020 - Lucy's flat around 4pm

Lucy was walking around her flat with some random robe on, in a phonecall with Joe. She had planned a surprise for Juls, since it was Valentine's Day.

- I think it's so romantic that you bought him a ticket to LA... He was so excited.

- Well, enough about us. What are Juls and you doing?- Lucy sat down on her couch and smiled bitting her lip.

- I booked us a night at a suite in the Ritz with full room service and all that stuff. I ordered flowers as well and... I'm taking the next step.- She couldn't see him, but Joe absolutely panicked from the other side of the line and stayed a couple of seconds in stun.

- So, um... Lucy. I love you very much, you know that, you're my best friend. And I... I understand that young love is a beautiful thing and that finding it can be really difficult... Especially when you're gay. And you know I fully support Juls and you and I think you're perfect for each other... However... Marriage is- Lucy interrupted him.

- What!? I'm not-No, Joe, no.- Joe sighed from the other line.

- Oh, thank God. It-It's just too soon, you know. Wha-What's the next step, then?

- You'll know later... You'll know.

- I am truely scared...- Boynton was about to answer, when she saw something slip under her door.

- Hold up.- She picked it up. It was a heart shaped pink card with glitter and other decorations on it, with her name spelled in Magazine letter cutouts.- Someone slipped a card through my door...- It was a beautiful card. But it was a bit concerning. She opened it and started reading out loud.- "Sorry if I scared you. Not a stalker, just Juls." Oh, thank God.

- So... No Kidnapping plottwist? That's okay, I guess.

- Joe! Anyway... "My flat. Today. 7pm, dinner. Mandatory. Love you." At least I didn't clarify what time we were goin to the hotel, so that's all right. This is sweet, I didn't know she was planning anything.

- Aww you two! So, you have... now less than 2 hours and a half to get ready. What are we thinking?

- I already had it planned. So I'm wearinga Christmas gift she gave me--

- Oh, she gave you clothes?

- Uh... No, but it is something you wear...under.- She scratched her head.

- Oh... Yeah I know what you mean... Please proceed.

- Yeah, so that and a black short winter dress with white bib collar. What do you think?

- I love it. All right, I'll go and you get ready. Love you.- They hung up and Lucy got ready. 

At 7 O'Clock Juls heard three knocks on her door. She lit the last candle and turned off all the lights. She checked herself on the mirror and opened the door with a smile. Juls had been getting everything ready since the month started. Why? Because she couldn't let herself mess up a Valentine's Day date with Lucy.

- Happy Valentine's Day, Juls.- Lucy smiled and pulled a big bouquet of many flowers from behind her back. Juls jumped on her to hug her.

- Happy Valentine's Day, Luce. Thank you...- Lucy gave her a smooch.

- Now, I don't know what you planned but I do have a surprise for you. Do you think we can go out by... 9:50?- Juls made a cocentration expression and moved her hand on the ir as if she could see something that wasn't there.

𝑊 𝑂 𝑀 𝐴 𝑁 ★彡 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐧Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora