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February 5th, 2020 - around 8am - Juls' flat

Juls and Lucy were lying down, sleeping; both of them completely naked. The sun found a space between Coppola's bedroom curtains and hit Lucy's face, making her wake up. She stared at her body, admiring it with the gaze of a woman in love who feels everything each time that she looks at her girlfriend's body. Her precious nose, with the small shining ring; Juls' tattoos were her absolute favourite thing, her gorgeus and soft blonde hair with those front pink locks, which was all messy and the shape of her lips, that were slightly apart from each other. Everything about her was just perfect and beautiful. 

Juls' eyes opened slowly as she rubbed her face and found Boynton's gaze. She gave her a sleepy grin and moved a bit to be more comfortable.

- Watching me sleep again, creepy lady?- Lucy giggled and kept staring with a smile on her face.

- Maybe... It's just that you're so perfect.- She settled on top of Juls with one arm on either side of her body.- Is it okay if I kiss you?- Juls nodded and they kissed while Coppola ran her fingers through Boynton's hair gently. It wasn't anything sexual, just a tender moment between two women who loved aech other very dearly and enjoyed each other's company, every second together. Lucy kissed each one of her girlfriend's tattoos as she caressed her arms and neck.

- I truely believe that there is no way I could love you more than I do right now.- Said Juls and Lucy lay down on her chest, still looking into her eyes and enjoying the linear caresses on her back.- But at the same time I feel like every day I love you more than the one before. I love you so much, Luce.

- I love you more...- They brushed their noses against each other with their eyes closed.- We should get going.

- Yeah...

They got ready, left Miko fresh food and water and around 8:45 they left the flat, walking to the coffee shop where Juls worked. When they got there, there already was someone behind the counter, wich took them by surprise. Usually Juls opened on Wednesdays. It was a woman around the same age as them, maybe a couple of years younger than Juls. She was a really good looking woman. Dark skin, full lips and long curly hair tied in a bun. Juls went to the counter and introduced herself, Lucy took a seat on the closest empty table.

- Hi, I'm Juls I... I work this shift.- The woman smiled.

- Oh, yeah. I'm Betty. George told me you would comne today. I'm new and he wanted this to be my training day. He said you're the best training newbies.- Coppoala sighed; there wasn't any problem with training Betty, but it would have been better if George had told her before. That was everything she needed to stay kind of serious for the rest of the shift.

- Alright, let's start the training. This is much easier than some people say.- She put on her apron and statrted making an order while explaining how everything works with the new girls always close to her.

- Well, you sure make it look easy and fun to do.- Betty smiled. Juls noticed a flirtous tone in her voice, but she wanted to let clear that she was uninterested; so she proceeded to be less talkative and overfriendly than usual.

-... Yeah. Well, now you make the same order.- Coppola watched that the trainee did everything correctly and helped her with the milk machine.- Here, you have to place the pitcher here... Yeah, there and don't be afraid to put pression on the lever. If you don't, it milk doesn't get foamy.- Juls said in a serious voice and pulled the lever.

- Wow, you're strong...- She wasn't getting the hint.

- Nope, I just have a lot of practice. You'll get there eventually. Now, a bakery gives us the donuts, muffins and stuff but we decorate them here, so let's chech that.

After decorating some thing, they put them with the ones that were already done, behind a showcase placed perpendiculary to the counter, sort of formin an L shape. Lucy, who had seen the whole thing was sitting on a table in front of the showcase. She went up to them and kissed Juls on the cheek.

- Babe, could you please give me a muffin?- She asked kindly and looked at Betty.- Sorry for interrupting, I'm Lucy, Juls' girlfriend.- Of course she didn't love the situation and she knew nothing would happen, she trusted Juls fully, but it did make her a bit uncomfortable. Betty's expression changed.

- I... I'm Betty. I'm so sorry if I crossed any line... To both of you.

- Oh, no worries, you didn't know.- Juls nodded and gave Lucy her muffin. She didn't like Lucy getting into it.

- Here you go, Luce. Betty, let's sow you how the computer system works. It's easier than most busunesses'.- They left and checked it. For the rest of the time, Juls concentrated on Betty's training and when the shift was over, Lucy picked her up to go back to the flat.

When the couple arrived at Jul's flat, Lucy sat her down.

- Can we talk about something?- Juls nodded and Lucy held her hands, because she didn't want it to feel like something bad.- I didn't like how Betty flirted with you.

- Yeah, I noticed... Honestly I wasn't a fan of you getting into it, Lucy.- She wasn't upset, just serious.

- Well, why didn't you say anything?

- I showed desinterest the whole time. What did you want me to do? She wasn't saying anything explicitly.

- But she kept doing it until I got there... Why didn't you say you have a girlfriend? Because as far as I know, you do.- Lucy got upset and both of their tones changed a bit. The conversation fely more like an argument.

- First, becuase she wasn't being direct. And second, but essentially because I shouldn't feel the need to tell someone that I have a girlfriend in order for them to stop flirting with me.

- I know you wouldn't do anything out of line, but you could have said something...

- I wouldn't have let it turn into anything, Lucy. You know I'm all about boundaries. Luce, I'm proud of being with you and I love to show off about it at work, but I don't want to be dependent on that in this specific kind of situation. I understand how you feel, but plase know that I knew what I was doing. And I'd never do anything to hurt your feelings. Okay?- Both of them saw things from the other's perspective.

- You're right, you shouldn't. Sorry I got jelous, it didn't feel right and I was uncomfortable.

- Don't apologise... Jelousy is a feeling and your feelings are valid, so... Also, it's not like you made a scene. I just didn't like that you got into it.

- Yeah, I won't do it again... I feel so much better now that we talked about it.

- Me too... And hey, I'll take out the picture of you I have in my wallet and show to everyone sooner next time.- They both chuckeled and shared a kiss.- Thanks for understanding, really.

- You too. Can I cook dinner tonight?

- Please do.- They got up of the couch and decided what to eat, continuing their nmight as any other one.

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