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- Do you have your bags? Great. You see that guy there with the sign? We'll walk fast up to him and follow him. We keep our heads kinda down and follow him to the cab.- Juls noded, barely understanding what they had to do, she was still jetlagged. Let's just do whatever she does... She knows ehat she's doing...

Lucy and Juls quickly went with the choffer into the cab and he took them from the New York LaGuardia airport to Lucy's friend, Joe's apartment in Brooklyn to surprise him by visiting him earlier than they had agreed (and also because the hotel had a problem with the check in and they had to go at least one hour later, bit we'll skip that). When they knocked the door no one opened and they couldn't hear anything behind the door, so Lucy took the key Joe always kept in a zipper bag inside a house plant's pot and they entered the apartment, leaving their hand luggage on the sofa and their suitcases right next to it.

Juls rubbed her face.- Do you know where the bathroom is? I really need to wash my face and pee. I'll tell you how beautiful the city is later.

- I don't remember, sorry. and it's kinda confusing when it comed to New York bathrooms... Try and guess, I'll get us something to drink.- Coppola noded and opened the door she thought might be the bathroom's entering there, but quickly came out and closed it, rushing to Lucy.

- I just saw a naked guy in that room and, by the pictures you showed me, that's not Joe.- She looked, with a good reason, really freaked out. Lucy was trying to figure out who that man could be.

-...Really fit, blonde with big green eyes? Please let it be him.- She said that last sentence in a quiet voice and Juls noded.- That motherfucker!- She rappidly entered the room with her girlfriend following right behing her.- Weren't you in London?

The blonde man who priviously was laying on the bed, naked, was now inside the sheets, covering himself up to his waist.

- Seriously? Two women who are lesbians? Not the guy owner of the apartment who is my husband?- Both Boynton and the man acted as if this situation was completely normal and common.

- Well, we came to surprise Joe, but we got surprised instead, right, Juls?- She was staring at the two people, super confused.

- I... Wish I could unsee that.

- Great first impression, you fuck.- She threw what she supposed was the guy's shirt to his face.

- Well, in my defense, I also wanted to surprise Joe and then you, and have the opportunity to, you know, meet your girflriend you're obsessed with.- Juls turned around to Lucy.

- You know, I would say "aw", but I'm really confused right now.- The guy on the bed started getting dressed and then got up to shake Juls' hand.- I'm Juls, by the way.

- I know. Actually, I think I know more about you that you know yourself, because of this stereotype here.- He said pointing at Lucy.- My name's Ben.-  And just then his name came to Coppola's mind.

- Oh, right! You are definitely not how I pictured you.- She had seen a couple pictures of him before, but she did't really recall on them. Their conversation was interrupted by Joe, who came into the room holding a broom, ready to attack.

- You don't wanna fuck with me-... Shit, it's you. Why the fuck are you three in my apartment? I'm not supposed to see you two for two more hours.- Joe pointed at the couple with the broom stick and then at Ben.- And you're not even supposed to be here... Benny, you're here!- He dropped the broom on the floor and jumped onto the man, making both of them fall on the bed.- I missed you so much...- He hugged him really tight.

- This is so cute... And so confusing at the same time. We should probably leave the room and let them have their momentm right?- Juls looked at her girlfriend about to step out of the bedroom.

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