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/Hey, I'm really really sorry I didn't post for so long, hope you like this/

Phoenix arrived their friend's house. She recieved them wearing a baggy t-shirt and sleeping pants; she had no make-up on. They looked at Juls with no hope.

-Please, tell me this isn't what you're going to wear.

-Of course it's not! But I... Don't know what to wear. Please help me.- She bit her mouth's corner anxiously. Phoenix understood her, dating and having anxiety wasn't easy.

-Okay, calm down. Did you take your meds?- They rubbed her shoulders and Coppola nod.- Alright. It's going to be okay, you just have to loose up a little bit. You both will have fun, okay?- She nod a bit more calmed.- Now, let's choose your outfit.- They took Juls' hand and went to her room, standing in front of the closet.

After a couple of tries, Juls decided to wear baggy fit blue jeans, a basil green button up shirt (tucked in her pants), her hand-knitten green and yellow headscarf, classic doc martens with a little rainbow flag ambroidered and a black coat. It made her feel pretty and comfortable. It made her feel herself and that exactly what she needed.

-What do you think?- 

Phoenix smiled and stood up to hug her. -You look perfect, Juls.- Both of them smiled and both left, Juls walking all the way to the Design Museum. She had never been there, and if she was honest, it made her quite nervous.

It was relly windy outside, it must have been 10C°. About 10 minutes later, Lucy arrived right on time. She greeted Juls with a kiss on the cheek. She looked beautiful wearing a Millie Dress - The Ball, a long black coat, a black beanie and charol creeper shoes. Shit, I forgot the flowers. 

The two women entered the museum and walked down the halls observing the different exhibitions and joking around constantly.

-So, do you only work at the coffee shop?- Lucy looked at her date.

-I actually sell some clothes as well. I thrift things and then renovate them; and I knit, I made this.- Said holding the tip her headscarf.

-That is amazing, I love its colours.- 

Coppola stared at a chair shaped as an orange for a while.-Do you think they'll let us sit there?- Said looking at both sides and Boynton giggled.

-No, I don't think so.- Answered Lucy

-Well, we've got nothing to lose in this ocation.

-Wait, what? Juls!- The girl was already running towards the seat and so she followed her.- Come here! You're getting us in trouble!- she said while laughing.

-That's the fun part! It's quite comfortable. Come on, sit here with me.- Juliette pat on the seat indicating her date to next to her.

-...Oh, alright.- Boynton sat down and put her head on Coppola's shoulder.- You're right, it is comfortable.- Both chuckled and started chatting.- Why did you ask me out?

Juls got really nervous, but she couldn't show it, could she?- Well, I just think that... You are really pretty and seem pretty interesting as well... Plus now I know I can take you with me into doing stupid stuff.- She giggled.- I guess that knowing you previously didn't really affect the way I saw you the first time we met. I mean, my only assumption about you at the time was that you were a kind person and that turned out to be true, so... Yeah, I just went for it. Phoenix helped me get the courage to do it.

Lucy smiled. -That's... so sweet. You're really pretty too.

- I was really scared and I'm still so nervous. Just to confirm, this is a date date, right?- Juls was hopping this wasn't a "gal pals meet up" kind of thing.

Boynton chuckled a little bit. - Yeah, this is a date date. And a really good one.

-Hey, you two! You can't do that!- A guard aproached them.

- Shit.- Lucy said and held Juls' hand to sun the two of them outside. It had started raining.

- Double shit.- Said Coppola while laughing. Do you want to go to my flat? It's like two blocks away.

-Yeah, sure.

They ran to Juls' flat as said. She gave Lucy a towel so that she could dry her hair a little bit. Both sat on the kitchen counter.

-Hey, um... I know the date is kind of ruined now, but would you like to watch a movie and order something to eat? I don't have anything to cook.

-I would love that. And the date is not ruined, don't worry. I actually like this.- Lucy took the woman't hand and they both smiled and stayed silent for about a minute.

-I should, uh... Call the... The... Uh... Do you want pasta?- Juls got nervous but most of all excited, Lucy was holding her hand!

-Yeah, that sounds good.

Coppola got up to get her phone and called the closest place that sold pasta to make the order. As usual she walked around and had a little stim on her, tapping her fingers on her leg's upper side while talking on the phone. Her flat was similar to a studio apartment, it consisted of a bedroom, the bathroom and the livingroom that was separated from the kitchen by a marble bar. Meanwhile, Lucy stared at her, she found Juliette beautiful; she loved her hair and nose, and how she closed her eyes a little bit when she smiled. 

-So, the food should be here in about fifteen minutes. Let me fix the sofa so it's more comfortable.- Juls got a blanket and some pillows, pu them on the sofa and turned on the TV. Lucy sat with her and they chose to watch Dirty Dancing, an easy to watch classic with good music. A while later the food arrived, two ravioli portions.

They kept watching the film and close to the ending, Lucy fell asleep on Coppola's shloulder. Obvioulsy she coulnd't wake her up, so she turned off the tv, coverded her with the blacket and pu a pillow under her head. Lucy was a heavy sleeper, so there wasn't any problem. Juls turned off the lights and went to her room, put on her sleeping clothes, that being a big loose shirt and "grandpa pijamas" pants, and got into bed. Within about tem minutes she fell asleep too being really happy about how the date went.

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