Jungkook clawed helplessly at the leg trapping him, to no avail. The General had known what he was doing when he chose his right hand to be Jungkook's competition.

He was throwing Jungkook into the ocean and hoping he could swim.

On the edges of the room, Jungkook could see the audience that had gathered to observe him. He could see the General watching them with cool indifference. He could see where Hendery was hiding a grin behind his hand, taking pleasure in his pain. He could see Mark standing just inside one of the doorways, a concerned crease between his brows as he nervously chewed on his lip.

Jungkook could see Yoongi just to Mark's right, his onyx eyes fixed steadily on him. His arms were crossed over his chest, the only outward sign of discomfort. For a second, their eyes met.

Yoongi gave him a small smile, dipping his head into a shallow nod.

The knot in Jungkook's chest loosened a little at the action, even as the boot on his ribcage pressed down harder. Yoongi was still rooting for him. Yoongi thought he could win.

Grabbing the bottom of Ten's boot, Jungkook twisted it hard, pushing against him with all his strength as he attempted to catch the elder off guard. Knocked off-center, Ten stumbled backwards. It was only a step, but it was enough for Jungkook to pull himself back to his feet, reassuming the proper stance as he stared down the assassin with renewed determination.

That brought a smile to Ten's face. "Alright, Jeon. Let's see what you've got."

The corner of his mouth slanted arrogantly as he took a lithe step forward, almost as if he were inviting Jungkook to dance with him. As if he were mocking him.

Jungkook kept his expression impassive as he slowly moved about the mat in a circle, mirroring Ten's movements. As long as he could keep moving, he could still stand a chance. The second he stopped, Ten would find a way to hold him there until he surrendered.

All he had to do was wait for Ten to mess up first.

"You know," Ten began, his dark eyes sparkling with the depth of menace that ran beneath them as they continued to circle each other, "when they first brought you here, I could see what they meant when they said you were the future of this gang. But now I know the truth. You're just a scared little boy who's trying to keep up with the big players as a way to cover up the fact that, deep down, you're nothing."

The edge of Ten's mouth tipped upward as he noted a slight flicker in Jungkook's impassive expression. "But your father already knows that, right?" he continued, circling in closer. "How long do you think it'll be until everyone else finds out? Until the General discovers all his training's been a waste?" Ten's smile turned sinister as he cast his gaze pointedly in the direction of the black-haired boy in the doorway. "What would Yoongi say?"

That was when something in Jungkook snapped.

It was like a dam broke somewhere in his self-control and suddenly he felt his body colliding with Ten's as he launched himself at the older boy, knocking them both to the ground. Adrenaline sang through his bones as he fought to pin Ten's arms to the mat, trying to gain the advantage to find a way to end it. A laugh bubbled up from Ten's mouth in response and suddenly Jungkook could feel a well of hatred far deeper than anything he'd ever allowed himself to feel before cut into his chest, sucking the life from him until the only thing that was left was the growing need to feel Ten's skin split beneath his knuckles.

The amusement faded from Ten's eyes the second Jungkook's fist connected with his jaw, hard enough to send the elder's head thudding down to the mat. The sting of the blow registered vaguely in the back of Jungkook's consciousness as he pulled back his hand for another punch, this one freeing a river of blood from Ten's nose, and then another.

BLOOD MONEY || bts mafia au Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon