"Oh, what would I do to get a Quirk of my own." He mumbled under his breath as he continued walking, making a sharp turn to the left. Walking for what felt like ages using the Hero Application on his phone as a guide, he finally found his destination; a small playground. Arriving here, the green-haired man remembered how he would often play with his friends as a child.

During the early days of Gates and Magic Beast.

Scattered around the place was a group of people of myriad ages; some young and a few looked like they have one foot in the ground and the other out of it. Some of them were familiar faces as some of them were people he worked with while others were complete strangers. Each one of them carried a traditional weapon of some sort; bows, swords, spears, and so forth.

Sitting in the middle of the playground was a big blue portal the size of a small shack. A Gate, a gateway to a dimension teeming with monsters called Dungeon. Looking at it only reminds Izuku of his misery. The first of these things appeared twenty years ago and like the domino effect, more popped up. No one knew why nor how these things came to be, similar to the origin behind Quirks.

"Hey, Izuku, nice to see you." One fellow called. Izuku only smiled back to the person. Even though people laugh at him, he doesn't mind as long as they're happy. Much like All Might, he wants to help people. Not only that, while he is a Hero-in-training, almost everyone here is a Pro Hero. Albeit none are affiliated with any Agencies. Too weak to become one.

"Hello!" He yelled, bowing to everyone. "I hope we can have a p-productive dungeon raid together!"

The exclamation took everyone aback and snickers and mocking words were shared amongst each other.

"Wow, I just...wow." One murmured in shock.

"Man, I thought the rumors were just rumors but to see it to believe it."

"Hey, Quirkless Hero, thank you for gracing us with your presence." A female Hero yelled, flashing Izuku a thumbs-up and a bright grin. Several shot her a surprised look, wondering whether she is playing around or being for real. To some of their horror, Izuku only gave back one in return.

"Thank you so much." He stutters, bowing again. "I do hope we get along. If you guys need me for a Dungeon or a Gate, I'm always up for more."

He then walked away, took a deep breath, and smiled. After all, he has a reputation to live up to.

The Quirkless Hero. A special term derived from the strongest Hero's nickname, pinned on him to embody his status as the weakest Awakened in all of Japan. A rather ironic nickname given how he isn't still a Hero, merely one in training and even more so considering Heroes in the past must have a Quirk to be a Hero. Then again, Weakest Provisional Hero doesn't sound quite catchy. It was odd how everyone learned about it but he didn't had the time to care.

He felt happy knowing everyone felt at ease whenever he was around. Sure, they're laughing at him for being weak but knowing that they become slightly braver as they believed the Dungeon they'll face is easier than anticipated is good. It felt good knowing he can help people in this fashion. Unorthodox certainly. But still a way to help others.

Oh, he can imagine the people's faces when they saw him, the Quirkless Hero. He'll make everyone smile in the face of danger and threats. Why fear monsters and Vilian if someone like himself is on the line. Someone like him, who is so weak, can take on monsters and thrive! If a person like him becomes a Hero, then everyone else can as well. All he has to do is pass this Dungeon and then he can take the Hero License Exam.

After that, he'll get to realize his dream.

When he saw the news detailing such events, he was giddy as the young man believed he can finally become a hero without getting a Quirk. But sadly, life isn't kind enough.

Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku MidoriyaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora