Chapter 24- Todoroki's Ending.

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Todoroki's POV. 

As we all sat thinking on who was going to go see her, a large, exasperated sigh cut through the air. "Whatever Icy-Hot, you can go see her. No need to make you wait any longer to see your dumb crush." Bakugo stated his voice and body language showing sarcasm and anger, but his eyes showed sadness and acceptance. He's purposely saying this in acceptance. Silently agreeing that I was the better fit and that she liked me much more than him.

"Thank you, Bakugo, that was very manly of you." I stated, nodding my head in gratitude.

"Yeah, whatever Icy-Hot, now go before I change my mind. Both of you" He exclaimed in a slightly calmer tone gesturing for me and Izuku to go. I gave one last nod before walking down the hallway Izuku hot on my heels.

Once we reached the room she was staying in, 167 to be exact, I let Izuku enter first letting him experience the reunion with his non-biological sister. I heard, not to long after, Izuku saying he has someone else who wanted to see her.

The door opened and I stepping into the room, bowing my head at Izuku in thanks. I went over to (Y/N)'s bed sitting down next to her as she brushed her hands through her hair nervously. Hiding her face behind her hair. I grabbed her hand after hearing the door close behind Izuku who had quietly snuck out of the room to give us some privacy as I had done for him.

"Why are you hiding from me. Was it something I did?" I asked quietly readying myself to leave in case it was me she was nervous about. She shook her head quickly before turning so I could see one of her eyes. It was both lively and dull, sunken in yet young, wise yet innocent. grabbed her other hand and gently turned her to face me. She looked down an ashamed look taking over her eyes.

"It's just I look awful, and I'm ashamed I've fallen this low." She whispered her voice barely reaching my ears. I shook my head before pulling her head into my chest. I heard small quiet sobs escape her lips as she gripped onto my flannel. I shushed her brushing through her bed head with my own fingers gently working out all the major knots as the time passed.

Slowly her quiet sobs turned into even quieter sniffles and finally ended in quietness. she lifted her head from my chest setting her chin on it and looking directly into my eyes.

Slowly as if reading my very being, she leaned up and placed her lips on mine in a sweet and tender kiss. All the emotions we both felt pouring into the kiss and being met with equally intense feelings from her side.

It was at that moment I knew, no matter what hurdles the universe threw at us, no matter who the future withholds, whether it be a great future or the end of the world, I have her back and she has mine. We're a team and we could overcome anything as long as we have each other to rely on. She was mine and I was hers, for now, and forever.

ThE eNd

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