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Jerome's P.O.V.

You know.....Preston? i think his name was....Isn't half bad....Actually pretty useful....What with the insanely fast speed and all.

And how he is so quiet....His feet don't make a sound when they touch the ground....Do they even make a sound?

Dunno.....But it's pretty awesome! There were definitely more of them though....I want to see them....Maybe if I ask Preston....He'll take me...

"Hey Jerome? You ok? You seem, I dunno. Spaced out." Preston piped up gaining my attention I slowly turned my head like a motor fan.

M gaze finally landing on Preston. A smile on his lips as always. I need to ask him. It's now or never.

"Yeah I'm fine. Preston?" I questioned earning his full attention. His fiery, bronze eyes watching me intently I now felt nervous. My stomach stirring up butterflies.

"Yeah Jerome?" Preston replied his eyes sparked with curiosity as his hands fiddled with a rock, obviously tempted to chuck it at something.

"There were more of you, right?" I slowly built up. No going back now. Preston nodded whipping the rock, his arm flashing by me I watched as it slammed into a squirrel, the squirrel falling.

"That is correct my fuzzy buddy" Preston joked rushing to the squirrel he stared at it. Making sure it wasn't dead he lunged onto the tree.

Climbing it and gingerly laying the squirrel into his den. The squirrel shuddering at Preston's touch. Preston turned around, jumping off as he did so and landing on the ground.

"Well, I was wondering if..." I trailed on adrenaline now pumping through my veins as I continued slowly bringing up the subject I wanted to ask about.

"If what Jerome? Come on, spit it out!" Preston rushed eagr to hear what I had to say. The curiosity now filling his eyes to the brim.

"If I can see them, I can take you back. And I can see what they all look like!" I blurted out. Preston snapping eye contact away from me immediately.

His whole body tensed as soon as I brought up the offer. Water seeming to form in his eyes I watched as they fell. Falling down his face, the smile on his lips no longer there.

Replaced with a thin line, wide, shocked eyes replaced the kind ones that used to be on his face as he thought of the offer.

''........Preston?" I questioned seeming to startle him I stayed where I was. Knowing better than to come any closer he looked me in the eyes once more.

Wiped away the water that fell from his eyes, smacked a smile onto his lips and nodded. But I knew this one was forced.

"Yeah....Yeah I'll take you" Preston agreed. All the butterflies in my stomach washing away as soon as he replied.

I wonder what the rest of them look like....

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