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TWIRLING THE SWISS ARMY KNIFE IN HER HAND, THE ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL HELD A DEVIOUS SMIRK UPON HER FEATURES. She was in a room that was filled with weapons, guns, bombs, stakes, arrows.

A muffled sound is heard and the smirk wipes of her face, turning her body around to the man tied down, his mouth taped, he has blood running down his nose and his blue shirt is stained with blood.

He has cuts and bruises all over him. She begins walking forward towards the man who began whimpering but it sounds muffled because of the tape around his mouth, she stops when she hears phone ringing and groans, she points the knife at the man who closes his eyes, walking back she picks up a bloody phone on a table full of weapons.

"Artemis Arrow," She spoke up, her eyes widen when she hears a gruff voice on the other side of the phone."I'm working, "She started rolling her eyes."Yes and this moron us giving me everything," She gives the man a look when he tries to muffle.

Artemis is a young skilful member of the Athanos and the league, she is a spunky eleven-year-old who loves fighting and inflicting pain on others, she loves what pain does and that was one of the things that made her unique. Artemis is a young girl with oval face shape, brown doe eyes, and long brown curly locks, she is around the height as Darken.

Artemis' father's organization and Darken's grandfather made a pact when both Artemis and Darken where born, Darken and Artemis were betrothed and were assigned to be man and wife when they were of age and that was a deal made to join both the League and Athanos group together.

Although both knew of the deal made with their family, Darken had no intentions on being tied down when he got older but Artemis was the kind of young girl who loved to plan everything ahead and at such a young age when they had no choice of the matter, they had to follow orders when they trained together or went on missions.

Artemis was loyal, she was someone who had believed in Darken and was his loyal follower and best friend and who best to call to help in a secret mission than your most trusted follower and Artemis was Darken's.

Artemis nodded her head at what Darken had ordered from the other side of the phone. How could eleven-year-old hold such loyalty to each other? One's trained to kill since birth.

it was something two organization were taught, how to be loyal and how to kill, how to know when someone is lying, how to extract the truth. How to torture.

The small eleven-year hold walks towards the man who began crying. She stabs his leg with the knife and he muffled scream. She smirks in satisfaction."I'm on my way," She tells Darken and cuts the call.



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A BLACK LIMO STOPS IN FRONT OF THE MIKAELSON COMPOUND, THE DOOR OPENS AND A SMALL LEG STEPS OUT, THE PERSON WORE PINK SOCKS AND SHOE, GETTING OUT OF THE LIMO THE YOUNG GIRL ADJUST THE RIBBON ON HER PINK DRESS AND BEGAN SKIPPING INTO THE COMPOUND. She knocks on the door and smirks, she has her arms behind her back twirling around from side to side, the door opens revealing Hayley who raises her brows at Artemis.

"Who are you kid?" Hayley questioned a happy looking Artemis.

She stops twirling and looks up at Hayley."Artemis," she holds out her hand, Hayley studies the young girl in front of her. Dressed like a barbie, her hair done into two ponytails, her outfit as pink as they come and elegant. She has a posture to her and presence that reminds Hayley of Darken but Artemis was more bubbly.

"And do I know you? Where is your parent's kid?" Hayley questioned looking out onto the street hoping to find an adult that looks to be Artemis parents.

Artemis giggles and shakes her head."In Romanian, silly. I'm Darken's friend. We grew up together and lord Darken has called for me."Artemis swiftly found her way into the compound when Hayley wasn't looking, the hybrid turns around and looks at Artemis confused.

She laughs for a second."You grew up together," She shakes her head calling the door."Your parents seriously let you all the way here?"Hayley questioned curiously.

Artemis shakes her shoulder."I was already on a mission for Darken, "Artemis informs Hayley walking around her like a predator.

Hayley raises her brows, her eyes widen when she sees Klaus giving her a look. Klaus has his arms behind his back as he walks into the living room." Who is this?"Klaus spoke up, Artemis turned around.

"Artemis Arrow," She answers and Klaus' eyes widen.

"You're Jonathan's little runt?" Klaus grinned and Artemis frowned at him, the original hybrid smirked at the eleven-year-old. He knew who her father is and what kind of man he is. Jonathan Arrow was like Klaus in so many ways, maybe even worse than the devil himself.

Artemis walked towards Klaus who looked down at her."Father talked about you, He said you broke his heart."Artemis calmly spat at Klaus who smirks at her.

Artemis was a big daddy's girl, always pleasing her father. Hayley gave them a confused look."Who is she? She said she know Darken and they grew up together, she also mentioned she was on a mission for him."Hayley asked but also informed Klaus who looks at her and raises his brows.

"Why am I not surprised," Klaus mumbles and looks down at Artemis who gives him a look of distaste."Oh, don't look at me like that You minx, your father is more of a madman than Rahl Athanos and even I."Klaus makes a hand gesture.

"A madman whose heart you broke." Artemis scowls and the grins, she immediately gets herself together and becomes her cheery self again."Darken called and I came, "She giggles.

"Darke, your betrothed is here," Klaus smirks with a shout, Hayley's eyes widen at that.

"What? They are young," Hayley shrieks to Klaus who began walking towards her.

"I do believe your parents betroth you to that wolf before you were even born. It's common in powerful families. As long as Darken upholds the deal by the time he's twenty-one, then the world shall be in one piece," Klaus whispered to Hayley who crosses her arms over her chest.

Darken proceeded in coming down the stairs and Artemis gasp, she grins widely at the sight of her best friend."Darken Athanos. You called."Artemis began walking towards him.

She held herself high and Darken smirks as he walks towards her and stops."And you came, "Darken spoke up with a grin.

Artemis tilts her shoulder."Did you ever doubt I wouldn't?" The eleven-year-old Arrow girl question with a smirk and Darken smiles.

That shocked Hayley and Klaus, it was rare to see Darken smile and he let his guard down in front of Artemis.

They looked at each other and turned their attention on the eleven-year-olds. Artemus pulled Darken into a hug, Darken's smile was misplaced."I will hurt you Artemis, let me go, "Darken grunted out when she hugged him tighter missing her best friend.

"You forget, I like pain, " Artemis pulled away from the hug and Darken straightened his sweater.

He wraps his arms behind his back and turns around with Artemis following after him."I got as much information I could, I got captured by one or two of his men, No biggie. Father expects you to build the Athanos empire once your vengeance has been fulfilled."Artemis informs Darken who nods as they began walking up the stairs.

"Are we seriously gonna let two psycho kids let loose?" Hayley questioned, Klaus turns around and shrugs his shoulders at her before walking away.

Hayley grumbles and shakes her head."Ugh!"


After so long update of this book. Part one has at least five to six more chapters. This book won't contain the whole season two epi or some. It's half au so it will probably end soon.

Don't forget to vote and comment and please don't tell me to update because I will ignore it.

Thanks for reading.