𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 // 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨

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I just want to say a quick disclaimer: if any of my readers wish for me to continue any of the previous imagines including this one, you can leave a comment saying that at the chapter and I'll do it:)

I just want to say a quick disclaimer: if any of my readers wish for me to continue any of the previous imagines including this one, you can leave a comment saying that at the chapter and I'll do it:)

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"No, it doesn't seem right..." Y/n said to herself as she wiped away the calculations she had been writing for the past 5 minutes in frustration. She looked at the half-blank board as more thoughts and ideas ran in her head trying to find the solution for the problem.

She was planning and spending some time studying the plan of robbing the Bank of Spain as the other three men, Andres, Sergio, and Martin were doing their own things. But she was so invested with this plan that she wanted to master it and arrange it down to the last detail. Day and night, night and day, she memorized every component of the plan. 

"Hey, you alright?" Martin's voice was heard from behind her as she turned her head around to look at him. When she saw him standing at the threshold of the door with his hands crossed on his chest, she sarcastically chuckled and looked away.

"Since when do you care?" She tried ignoring his presence as she picked up the chalk and started writing the equations and measures once again hoping to find the answer now. Martin watched her work for a couple of seconds before he stood up and slowly walked over to her.

"Since you joined." He simply replied as she scoffed. She was brought here by Sergio because he knew her quite well and wanted her to be part of it. Andres and Martin were skeptical about bringing another outsider person but when they saw her skills and dedication, they accepted her.

Y/n didn't like that they didn't obtain her presence and has been offended by it ever since. She wasn't the type of person to forget about something like that, since it was a pretty big deal and the way they treated her at the start wasn't acceptable.

"It's been two months since I've been here and you decided to talk to me in such a nice tone just now?" She asked turning around to face him again. He stood on the other side of the table leaning against it with his hands.

But Y/n didn't expect to see him so close so she held in her gasp when seeing him and played it cool. "It's been two months and you've been working on it non-stop." Martin answered her calmly. "You don't think that's concerning?"

Y/n rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest. "For you, no. It's my responsibility to be involved in this. I want to give it all of myself, unlike some." She said before turning around and continuing writing.

"I also want to, but-" Martin stood up and walked around the table to stand closer to her only for her to suddenly turn around and point the chalk at him.

"Listen, here, Martin. You and Andres are busy with each other every night. Am I wrong? When all of you are gone, who's the one to do all of the hard work, huh? Who's the one who fixes the mistakes made in the blueprints? I am, so don't you dare tell me otherwise."

"I'm not denying the fact that you're hardworking and..." He sighed and tried thinking of the right words as Y/n looked at him with a softer look. "...and incredibly talented. It's just that you can't do so much work. It's not..." He moved his look away from the ground and to look at her as their eyes met one another. "...okay for you."

The two looked deeply into each other's eyes as Y/n put her chalk away and managed to somehow crack a smile. "I appreciate you taking care of me..." She looked up at him. "...but it's seriously not mandatory for you to do so."

Martin still had a genuinely worried look on his face as Y/n smiled at him. He cared for her. Deeply. If it were completely up to him, you know what he would do. "Of course." He said before turning around and walking away from her towards the door.

But as Y/n followed him with her eyes until the end, she stopped him before he could leave. "Martin." He stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at her as she had a heartwarming look. "I would appreciate some help here if you're up for it."


"No, you can't do that!" Y/n laughed out loud as she pointed at the board looking at Martin's calculations which were completely wrong sitting on the table.

Martin laughed at her reaction and turned around to look at her with his hands out. "Well, then, what am I supposed to do?"

She giggled as she put her drink down and walked over to him. She took the chalk out of his hands and started writing the correct calculations. "This is how you do it!" For being almost drunk, she still managed to do that, which was impressive.

"Oh, well, excuse me!" He laughed as he crossed his hands on his chest with his drink and looked at Y/n. "How do you know that your way is correct, anyway?" He asked.

"Because..." She playfully rolled her eyes and took her drink off the table and sipped it. "...I'm the smart one of the group." She put the chalk back down and smirked at him.

Martin scoffed at that. "Says who?"

"Me." Y/n put her hands together and looked at him with a smile. The two stared at one another for what seemed like an eternity staring into each other's eyes. Then they both felt each other moving closer as Y/n looked down at his lips.

And finally, they pressed their lips together. Martin deepened the kiss but Y/n pulled away from that and slightly gasped. "Oh, my god!" She covered her mouth looking at him. "I am so sorry, I-I don't know what happened." She ranted knowing she messed up.

"It's alright..." Martin tried making her feel better even though he actually enjoyed the kiss. He wasn't that shocked by it anyways.

"I-I don't know what came over me..." She nervously chuckled putting her hand on her forehead. "...I apologize, really."

"Hey, it's okay..." Martin walked closer to her as she tried holding back tears. But before anyone could say another thing, Andres walked through the door. Perfect timing.

"Oh, Martin, you're not gonna believe this!" He laughed and rubbed his hands together but when he walked inside the room and saw the two standing next to one another, Y/n looking scared as if she saw a ghost. "Everything alright?" He asked looking between the two.

Y/n quickly wiped her face with her hands to get back to reality and smiled. "Oh, uh, yeah, everything's fine." She answered smiling at the two. "But I'll leave you two here." She quickly added and walked away from Martin.

She smiled and nodded at Andres as she made her way at the door and walked out as Martin followed her with his eyes. The second she was out of that room, she exhaled deeply and tried holding in her tears until walking down to her room and letting it out.


𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐀 // 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now