𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 // 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐛𝐨𝐧 // 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐

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Nothing really important is gonna happen in this chapter, but I just can't stand the two being in a fight so I really want to fix that if you don't mind:D

Nothing really important is gonna happen in this chapter, but I just can't stand the two being in a fight so I really want to fix that if you don't mind:D

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The next day, everyone had their usual lessons with The Professor discussing the second heist. But almost the entire lesson time, Lisbon was looking at London. And you couldn't blame her, she genuinely felt bad that she messed up so bad between the two of them.

She was trying to tell herself that London was the one who was the guilty one here, but no matter how long or how much she tried telling herself that, her brain and heart were telling her that London was just happy to be back with her and was thinking of getting closer with her that way.

London noticed that she was watched by her and even though that made her worried about what Lisbon might be thinking, she was happy that at least she wasn't ignoring her, still hating herself for messing up so bad.

She tried focusing on the lesson and even though she knew she wasn't going to remember most of the important stuff that was said today, her mind was never free from Lisbon.

So after the lessons were over and London was about to go back to her room, Lisbon stopped her from going anywhere hoping she would fix her mistake. "Hey, London, can we talk for a moment?" She asked rubbing her hands anxiously.

London looked around seeing that everyone was gone and nodded. "Uh, sure." She walked over to her with her notebooks tightly hugged on her chest as if it was for comfort. She knew the talk was going to be something about their last interaction and a million thoughts were running around in her head.

She was scared that Lisbon was gonna force her to say sorry, maybe she was going to tell her that she doesn't want to do anything with her until the end of the heist. No one could know that for sure and London was one of them.

Lisbon sighed and turned around to look at London gathering all the strength and confidence she had. "I just wanted to say, that I'm sorry for my...overreaction." She tried gathering the right words knowing well that her behavior was disrespectful. "I just didn't expect for you to say that and got afraid..."

London walked closer and tilted her head with relief and a small smile "No worries, I understand. You're new here, you're the exact same as I was here before: scared and worried about me not being accepted or not treated the same way as others."

Lisbon looked up at her after hearing that. "Wait, I had no idea you actually did feel that way." She almost cut her off. "But that does make sense though..."

London saw her reaction and chuckled. "Well, what did you expect? I was a scared 22-year-old who was lost at life and getting together with all these strangers, who now I'm grateful I can call my family, was rather unsettling."

Lisbon looked down at the ground nervously. She couldn't imagine London being in that place and felt bad. "Well, I'm sorry you had to go through that then..."

But London brushed it off knowing it wasn't very new. "No worries, it seems as if you're in the same place as I was after all." She warmly smiled at Lisbon which made her feel a lot better. "I forgive you, don't stress yourself over it."

"Thanks, I know you only wanted good for me." Lisbon chuckled getting a strand of her hair out of her face. "But just so you know, I appreciate it now."

London nodded in agreement but didn't say anything back. But after a couple of seconds of the two looking at one another, they heard The Professor coming inside the room clearly lost in his own thoughts. "Lisbon, can you help me with this, it seems to be a mistake that we-"

But when he lifted his head and saw the two together, he showed a surprised and startled reaction. "Oh, uh, sorry, was I disturbing something or..." He looked back and forth at the two.

"Not at all." London turned and smiled at him before looking back at Lisbon. "He needs you. See ya." She winked and waved walking away from her and past The Professor into the hallway with a smile.

The Professor followed her with his eyes until she was gone out of sight before looking at Lisbon in confusion. "What were you two doing here?"

"Oh, nothing." Lisbon reassured him looking at the last place where she saw London with a gaze. "Just...sorting things out."


"Hey, London?" Tokyo knocked and opened London's bedroom door without waiting for her permission to walk in. "Can you come here? I want to show you something." She stuck her head out with a small smile.

London slowly lifted her head up from her books when she was laying on her bed and looked up at her. "Why? What is it?"

"It's just- Come here." Tokyo didn't answer her fully and walked inside the room a little bit more showing with her hand to come with her.

London sighed and closed her books getting up from her bed and rolling her eyes. Getting out of bed in the evening after a long and hard day was the last thing she wanted to do. But nevertheless, she followed Tokyo from behind hoping that this was something important and worth it. Tokyo finally walked outside into the courtyard as London's eyes went wide.

When she walked outside as well, she saw something she wasn't expecting to see. Lisbon had recreated London's surprise for her a day ago as she was proudly standing with a big smile after seeing London's reaction.

Tokyo left the two alone almost immediately with a little giggle as she let them be together. London laughed and walked over to Lisbon in disbelief looking around. "Oh, my goodness...Lisbon, you didn't have to do this."

"Yes, I did." She almost cut her off. "I ruined the first one, yours, so I wanted to make it up to you."

London put her hand to her chest as the two sat down in front of each other. She was still surprised and so happy that words couldn't describe it. "I have to admit, I'm really impressed." She chuckled as Lisbon poured some red wine for both of them.

"Well, thank you." Lisbon nodded hearing that. "But I have to tell you that I simply just copied you. Your skills are far more impressive than mine."

"I couldn't care less about that." London shrugged it off. "It's the thought from you that matters to me. Besides, you did really well."

The two locked their looks with one another for a couple of seconds as Lisbon raised her glass up with a small smile on her face that no one could ever take off as long as she was with London. "To us?"

London chuckled at that toast and picked up her glass as well clinking it with Lisbon's. "To us."


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