the unforgiven

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⚠️curse words suicide attempt⚠️"

As I head to my room, I make sure to lock my door so no one can come in. I lay on my bed I try so hard not to cry, I hate crying it makes me feel so weak but it all just comes out I can't hold the tears back anymore.

~buckys pov~

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you Sharon!! Why do you always have to go a ruin something so good!" I yell.

"She is not good she is evil!" Sharon yells out with a scoff. "Why because she's not human!? Guess what I'm not completely human either I've killed people Sharon but for some reason you only judge her why!?! "I yell not caring who hears.

"Because all she's done was cause harm and hurt everyone and tried keeping secrets hydra could say those words at any giving minute and she would turn on everyone here and kill everyone oh and there's the whole soul eating situation." Sharon says crossing her arms.

"Why do y'all think she always wears those gloves because she knows if anyone touches her they will die!" Sharon yells at me.

"Exactly she knows it could hurt someone it shows she cares that she has a heart she tries to prevent from hurting anyone." I say as I start to walk off but I turn back to Sharon.

"Oh and she has a heart but you, you don't have a heart. You know, I bet the only reason she hasn't taken your soul is probably because you don't have one! I" yell and storm off.

Nat walks up to Sharon punches her in the face. "That's for Kat and for ease dropping on our conversation." Nat spats and walks off.

~end of buckys pov~

It's been a week now I haven't come out of my room once. "I'm getting weak I haven't fed on a single soul I feel so wrong, maybe Sharon's right about me, I am a monster I don't deserve Bucky or Natasha, Tony, Sam, or anyone." I think to myself.

Everyone tried knocking in my door and talking to me but I haven't budged not once. I stayed right here in my bed.

I decided I needed to at least try to take a shower today. I sit in the floor of shower and uses what strength I have left to use my power to cut my wrist before I know it, I pass out from blood loss and not eating.

I barley hear a door bust open but I can't really see who's standing in the door way. "Doll!" That's was it, that's all I heard before everything going dark.

~buckys pov~

The water has been running for about an hour now something just doesn't feel right she hasn't came out of her room not once I don't know if she's fed at all.

I hate Sharon so much for doing this to her, Kat didn't deserve to be told any of that everything Sharon said was all lies. I can't stand it anymore I have to check on Kat.

I walk to her room banging on the door but no answer.

I lose patience and kick the door open I run to the bathroom and find Kat laying in the shower with blood everywhere.

"Doll!" I run up to her she out I barley feel a pulse I take my shirt off to put over her and Carry her to the emergency room in the compound.

"Bruce!! I need you now!!" I yell. "What happen!?" Bruce asks with a panicked look. "I don't know I found her like this in the shower." I say nervously.

"Okay uhm, I need someone to go to the prison she needs a soul immediately and a blood transfusion." Bruce says nodding to me.

"Use me for a blood transfusion we can get Nat or Tony to get someone from the prison." I say not wanting to leave her side.

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