love never fails

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⚠️curse words⚠️

We are in the meeting room everyone has finally arrived. "Okay so as you can all see I'm back, but there are some things you all need to know." I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"I don't know if y'all have heard of hydras weapon soul-eater." I state. "I have read about it but wasn't sure it was real." Tony says.

"Well she is and she is me." I say nervously. "But we would've noticed something wouldn't we I mean I heard SHE was emotionless, you are sweet and kind and have a heart." Tony says motioning his hands toward me.

"When they speak the trigger words, she comes out, but also it's not just that but I have to feed off souls to survive." I say looking around at everyone.

"KitKat what happens if you don't feed on souls and how many do you have to take?" Steve asks with a sad look. "I feed at least twice a week if I don't feed at all I grow weak and die." I say with a nervous smile.

"Lady Katherine did Bucky know about this? I know y'all was together at uh hydra." Thor says looking at me. "I uhm don't know since that's the other thing I don't remember Bucky." I say with a sigh.

"What do you mean? So is bucky the only one you don't remember?" Clint asks. "That's correct he's only one I forgot." I say.

"Supposedly he kept a very big secret from me which caused it. Sam says sternly. Everyone looks at Bucky. "What is he talking about bucky?" Steve asks.

"What is going on here?" Sharon asks as she walks in. "This is a private matter Sharon please leave." I say in a annoyed tone.

"Oh no I gotta stay for this. Do they already know about the whole souls thing?" Sharon asks with a smirk. "Wait how does she know about it?" Steve asks.

"I can't remember but we was having and argument at your house I believe and she threaten to use it against me cause she followed me to the prison cause that's where I was going to take souls." I say glaring at Sharon.

"Okay two things, one why wouldn't you just tell us and two what the hell Sharon, why the hell would you hold something like that against her?!" Steve asks glaring at Sharon.

"I didn't tell anyone because I'd don't know how y'all would react I figured y'all would be scared of me and toss me in a cell or hand me over to the government, so they go experiment on me just like hydra." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"As for me I didn't want her around Bucky I wanted her gone." Sharon says while rolling her eyes. "Wait a sec what do you mean you don't remember why we was arguing?" Sharon asks eyeing me.

"I mean if it had anything to do with Bucky then I don't remember cause I don't remember him." I say nervously.

"Oh this just gets better and better." Sharon says with a smirk. "The hell is wrong with you Sharon?" Bucky asks in a stern tone.

"There's nothing wrong with me I don't have to eat souls to survive." Sharon says. I punch Sharon in the face and walks out and head to my room.

I jump on the bed and scream into the pillow. About an hour later I hear a knock at my door.. "Hey its Bucky can I come in." Bucky says. "Uhm yeah sure." I say sitting up.

He walks in and sits on the bed next to me. "This is so frustrating not being able to remember anything." I say in an annoyed tone.

They are staring each other in the eyes. "I'm so sorry Katerina you don't deserve this, this is all..." I cut him off by kissing him I pull him in to a deep passionate kiss.

As soon as I do my memories come flooding back, everything I felt toward him, love, sadness and anger it all came back all to the very moment we met that day at hydra.

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