the broken girl

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⚠️physical abuse and mention of sexual touching, and some cuss words⚠️

My name is Katherine Winchester my nick name for some is Kat and this is my story.

I have medium black hair with one blue eye and one green eye.
my parents weren't always fond of me especially when they found out I had powers.

They found out about the powers when I was 6. I can read minds and move things with my mind.

When I turned 15 these strange men came to our house and was talking to my parents about me for some reason, before I knew it they were making me leave with them.

"You need to go with them now we are no longer your parents." mom says. Supposedly they offered to buy me to experiment on and my parents Humbly accepted..

As we arrive to the building they tossed me in a cell with nothing but a toilet and a metal bed it was cold no blanket no pillow nothing I felt so alone.

I hear someone move in a cell next to me. I asked who's there? I hear nothing out of whoever is sitting in the far corner in the cell next to me.

But before he can say anything a man comes back to my cell. "They are ready for you Ms. Winchester." the man says with an evil grin.

He grabs my arm roughly I try to pull away but when I do I notice I swung him out of the cell. Before I knew it two more guards ran in and injected me with something that made me pass out.

I don't know how long I was out but when I woke up I was strapped to a metal chair, a guy in a white coat is standing next to me holding a syringe with some kind of black colored liquid in it.

The man speaks. "Hi my name is Dr. Arnim Zola and I will be Experimenting on you, you seem to be the perfect fit for our next Experiment." He says with an evil grin.

I tried to fight back but I was too weak to break the restraints and before I knew he injected me with that liquid and my body felt so much pain, I felt like i was dying.

As I laid there in pain I thought to myself is this what death feels like am I really dying.

I eventually passed out from the pain. When I woke I was back in my cell I was scared my body was still aching from whatever they injected me with.

The boy that was there before spoke to me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I-I don't know I'm not hurting as much as I was before." I say nervously. "I'm the winter soldier,what is your name?" He asks.

I sat there for Minute for some reason I couldn't remember my name how could I forget what my name was. "I-I don't know." I state. "They didn't give you a name?" He asks."No." I start to tear up and he notices.

"Hey, hey its okay I'm here I'll help you find out what your name is." He says as he scoots closer to me he slowly reaches his hand out to cup my cheek and wipe away a tear.

I finally got a good look at him he looked like he might have been 18 maybe 19 he has these ocean blue eyes with dark hair. "Thank you." I say quietly. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while.

( I know he's older in the movie i just wanted to change it up a bit)

~time skip~

He eventually helps me remember my name, but every time I remember, something happens and I get sent to the chair and once I come off it, it all goes away.

Same thing has happen with him but we are always helping each other, and we always end up remembering each other.

I don't even know how many years I have been with hydra now. It's been awful between getting physically abused and being touched in a way I did not like.

Once this happen I tried to defend myself but when his lips got close to mine but thankfully never touched, I felt this wierd feeling and before I knew the man fell to the floor he was dead he looked like a dried up prune!

"What the hell did I just do!?" I thought to myself. Guards came rushing in and grabbed me for more Experimenting.

After training with random people, they found out my new power. I can drain the souls right out of someone if I try. Thats when they gave me my name soul eater.

I found out the hard way this is the only way I can live if I don't feed on a soul within two weeks I start to grow weak once they found out they started sending random people my way once a week they would send one person for me to feed on.

Did I like doing this no of course not but what choice did I have. They sent Bucky off on a mission a while back but he hasn't shown up yet I worry about him.

When ever he would have a nightmare I would sing to him since it seemed to calm him down. I miss him, I miss talking to him. Just his presence near me I feel safe.

It was the same everyday between getting physically abused, if I didn't want to train I would get punished.

When ever Bucky wasn't around  they would try to touch me in a sexaul way but when I would defend myself. (feed on their soul)

They'd send me to some metal chair and strap me down and these things would come down by my head and out of nowhere I feel this awful Excruciating pain like it was melting my brain or worse.

When the pain would end I wouldn't have any memory. This man walked up to me with a blue book in his hand. He started to speak random words.
The man speaks again,
"Пожиратель душ-soul eater."
"готов подчиниться- ready to comply." I say as I feel nothing no pain no emotion just emptiness.

"We have a mission for you, your first mission so don't fuck up or you will be punished." He glares down at me. "Yes sir." I nod my head.

"Your mission is to bring the winter solider back to us no matter what, we have an idea on his location we will Start the mission first thing in the morning and we'll give you the location before you leave." The man explains.

I hope this is okay for my first chapter I am nervous and excited at the same time!! I hope yall like it! Please leave a vote🥰 "Edited 7/2/2023"

Always And ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora