"Tch." The dark haired man scoffed, dropping his grip on Matthews shirt and standing up straight once more.

Slowly running his hand through his hair, he sighed out, turning on his heel and walking over to where the two other stood, silently fuming.

Walking up to the left, he now stood on (Y/n)'s right side, shoulder to shoulder facing opposite directions.

"I think it's best if I head out. And I think this belongs to you." He said quietly as he gripped the gun by the barrel, allowing the handle to be open for her to grab from him.

Taking a deep breath in, she gently took the gun out of his hand, "No... stay. Your still looking to buy that horse, right?" She asked, listening as he let out a quiet sigh in response slightly dropping his head down. "Come with me, we'll get him tacked up." (Y/n) finished as she handed the gun over to Thomas, then leading the man to start getting the horse ready.

Once the two had left the barn, leading the large black stallion out front with them, Thomas looked down sighing.

Gulping, Matthew slowly stood up, dusting himself off.

"What were you thinking Matthew?" Thomas sighed, still not looking up at him, turning the gun to see the light reflect off of the metal.

"I- Im sorry sir... I just... I don't know I thought he was here to steal something. I just saw someone walk into the barn and start looking around quietly, but I hadn't known of anyone coming..."

"We will discuss this later, for now help me with that horse you shot down, we'll take it out back." Thomas breathed making his way down the isle to the stall in which was painted crimson.

Time skip: Roughly 45 minutes later...

"No no no stop. Okay what was that? Just because that's how it works in all those story's doesn't mean that's actually how you ride a horse. Listen up, while driving a carriage, yes that movement may occur. But to get your horse to move forward, you don't just flail your arms and slap the reins on your horses neck, no that will just make you look like an idiot." (Y/n) scolded as the man scoffed out slightly rolling his eyes as he tilted his head.

"To get your horse to move, press the calf's of your legs against his side. Some horses need a stronger kick while others will reply instantly, you just have to learn with each horse you ride." She continued while looking up at the man, holding one of the reins on her hand lightly. "Give it a go."

Following the instructions carefully, he managed to walk the horse around calmly. Remembering what the girl had told him about neck reining, as well as how to get the horse to slow, stop and turn. Pressing the horse forward and releasing slightly in the reins, the horse continued on to a soft trot, or jog as some call it.

After a little while of playing around, (Y/n) spoke up, "Why don't you have him canter to? If you would like, you can gallop down the driveway."

Giving her a short nod, the man pressed his right leg into the horses side, asking for a left lead canter. Once successful, the pair moved gracefully around for a while before he decided it was time for some fun. Circling the horse once, he took off at a sturdy gallop seeing just how fast this horse could move.

The wind left a burning sensation stinging his eyes, his hair floating quickly in all sorts of directions as the two slowed down enough to turn around, coming back to the girl in a trot as the large horse snorted with excitement tossing his head every now and again.

(Y/n) watched as the two approached her, slowing down to a walk and halting on her left. A soft smile greeted the man, letting him know he did good.

Time skip: Half an hour later...

"Your all set. Here's some grain to make you through the next month, you'll need to purchase some hay once he's home. Timothy would be good but maybe add in some alfalfa if you can, give him that extra boost. He's all up to date on vaccines and everything, and if you would like him to be gelded you can talk to a vet about that... otherwise I think your all good for what he needs." The young girl spoke while tightening the straps that held his equipment and food in place for the ride home, "oh and, if possible, try your best to avoid going above speeds of a trot on hard ground, you'll destroy his hooves and ligaments."

Giving a curt nod, the man stepped forward to the girl, she looked up into his dark eyes once more, shocked by how close he had stepped. It was as if he was hovering over her, both just staring deep into each other's  eyes as if mesmerized by one and others faces. Keeping his stoic gaze, he moved slightly, bringing his hand up.

Looking down, her eyes connected with a small pouch that rested in between his fingertips swaying lightly from the sudden movement.

Taking in a breath, she opened her hand to take it from him, their fingertips lightly grazing each other. His soft fingers sent a chill down her spine, causing her to quickly suck in her breath, looking back up at the man who still watched her.

"Thank you.." She whispered, looking back down at her hand, his fingers still just barely touching hers.

"Levi." The man spoke softly, his silver eyes still following her.

(Y/n) quickly glanced up at him, confused to what he had just said.

"The names Levi." He confirmed.

The girls brows raised with realization, darting down and then to once again slip into his gaze. "(Y/n)" She smiled up to him, she watched as his expression stayed the same, only giving her a respectful nod before turning and quickly mounting the dark stallion.

Turning the horse around, the he gave her one last glance, quickly skimming over her body as if an attempt to memorize it. Looking up ahead again, the pair took off for their home.

(Y/n) watched as the two rode away, the sun dipping below the wall leaving a vibrant glow in the sky. Sucking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes, "Levi..." She whispered to herself, feeling a soft warmth spread upon her checks.

Hello all!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update, things have been kinda hectic recently but I'm sure many of you can relate😩
Thank you for your patience, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always please let me know what you think and leave a like as it always helps☺️

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