"But I'll still be best friends with the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts." Ismelda pointed out. 

Merula smiled. She looked at her wand. "Most powerful witch at Hogwarts. Has a nice ring to it." She said. 

"So, what house are you hoping to get in?" Ismelda asked. 

"Is that a trick question? Slytherin of course. THE GREATEST HOUSE TO EVER EXIST! Where the Cunning and Ambitious Dwell." Merula answered boasting loudly. "Also I look fabulous in Green." She added. 

Ismelda gave her thumbs up. She wanted to go into Slytherin as well.  But that was when they noticed two 1st year boys walking down and looking for a place to sit. 

One was a Brown Haired Caucasian. And the other being a Parsi-Indian boy with glasses that walked past them. And although Merula and Ismelda didn't know it at the time, that was their first sighting of Ethan Bauer and Rowan Khanna.  

"1st years, am I right?" Ismelda asked.

"We're first years too, Ismelda." Merula pointed out. 

Ismelda admitted that Merula had a point. "Well, if that's what you say, Merula. Now come on. I think that I saw some 4th years looking at some Devil's Snare." 

"Devil's Snare?" Merula asked intrigued. 

"Yeah. You want to see?" Ismelda asked. And the two girls went to go check that out. 

Back to the Present.

Merula would end up using that Devil's Snare on Ethan and Rowan in their 1st year. Back when they were all arrogant and dumb with what they did. Including going into an Ice Filled Room alone. She wondered where all those times went as she walked into the front of her house. The Entrance full of portraits which Merula ignored. It reminded her of the Grand Staircase at Hogwarts. The eventual arguing for the Portraits and Students. Despite the fact that she was a Slytherin and her Common Room was in the Dungeon. And suddenly, Merula started to get flashbacks to their 5th year. When Beatrice Haywood was effected by the Portrait Curse. Even though Merula thought that Penny was probably the most annoying girl in all of Hogwarts, she wished that Penny didn't have to suffer with that. But then again, Penny did stick up for Ismelda when that one person Emily Tyler did read Ismelda's Diary. Though, if that had been Merula in Penny's place. She would've done much worse. Merula wished she had done worse to anyone who messed with Ismelda. 

And there was something that also happened in their 5th year. What with Rakepick, something that Ismelda didn't trust. Although Merula wished she learned about it in time. Although that Merula did know about Rakepick being an Agent and working for Trotsky. But Merula couldn't get over the fact that Rakepick used the Cruciatus Curse on Merula. 

2 Years Earlier.

It was late at night. Merula still had to be in the Hospital Wing after what had happened. And while she acted all grumpy over having to stay in that Wing after what had happened. The truth was that Merula couldn't believe that Rakepick would use that curse on her. 

There was a knock on the door though. "Go away." Merula grunted. That was when she saw Ismelda come in. "Ismelda?"

"Hey, Merula." Ismelda greeted. "You look like crap." 

"Cute. Very cute." Merula sarcastically commented. 

"I made you some stew." Ismelda offered holding up a bowl. 

"You know you can't cook." Merula replied. 

"So?" Ismelda asked. "Doesn't mean I'm not going to try." She offered it to Merula. 

Judgement Day (Hogwarts Mystery Year 7 Retell)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें