Chapter 65: Mine by Right.

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"Power is no blessing in itself, except when it is used to protect the innocent." -Jonathan Swift.

The Minotaur raised it's Axe above it's head. He swung it over a a giant stone and carved it in two. Just to prove its intimidation to Ethan to let him know how serious he was about this whole thing. 

Ethan took out his wand to make an energy sword. He wasn't sure what compelled him to draw it out. Perhaps it was a need to protect Penny and Kassandra. Maybe it was his status as a Gryffindor. Or maybe it was the fact that there was a Minotaur was about to strike at him and Ethan needed to defend himself from a massive monster.

"Ethan, Look out!" Penny yelled. The Minotaur swung at Ethan but Ethan tumbled out of the way. 

"You're not the first monster guarding a crazy power I've face. And you won't be the last." Ethan declared.

The Minotaur roared again. 

"Ethan. You made it more angry." Kassandra commented.

"Thanks for the tip." Ethan muttered. 

The Minotaur charged and then swung his axe at Ethan with lightning speed. Ethan intercepted it with his energy sword. But the swing was so powerful that it knocked Ethan back to the wall. The Minotaur then charged its horns at Ethan. 

"Penny, do something!" Kassandra shouted.

But Penny stood there all nervous not sure of what to do. It was bringing up bad flashbacks about what had happened to Scarlett.

Ethan had been able to move to the side in time. But not before a piece of the horn had chipped into a part of Ethan's flesh. Ethan moved back from the pain. But he didn't have time to counter attack. The Minotaur managed to break out of the wall and swing his axe at Ethan again. But the swing was too slow and Ethan was able to dodge that one. He then figured he could try to get some ranged attacks on the Minotaur. He shot a wind spell at the Minotaur trying to knock it back. But the Minotaur held his ground, swinging his axe in a circle formation like a helicopter blade shielding him from the wind.  

"I've got to get that axe out of his hands." Ethan thought. He shot Expelliamus at the Minotaur. But it did nothing. "What?" He asked.

The Minotaur smirked. He charged again swinging his axe. But Penny shouted out: "Incendio!" 

"Penny, wait!" Kassandra tried to stop her. But Penny had already shot the spell. It didn't effect the Minotaur at all. The Minotaur then looked at Penny and roared right in her face. It charged its hooves at her and Kassandra. "The Minotaur is impervious to fire." She explained.  

"Now she tells me." Penny thought. 

It was ready to charge at Penny though. But Ethan swung at the Minotaur again with his energy sword. It cut through the Minotaur fur. The Minotaur roared in pain. It then forgot about Penny to take out Ethan. It swung its axe again at Ethan. "Penny! Hit the thing! Try another spell!" Ethan yelled. 

"Stupefy!" Penny shot. That didn't work against the Minotaur. "Okay... Flipendo!" That didn't work either. "Depulso?!" Nothing. "Bombarda!" That didn't even work either. "Nothing's working Ethan!" She shouted desperately. "What is this thing?!"  

The Minotaur then picked up Ethan by the face and then proceeded to throw him up in the air. It then got it's axe ready to slice Ethan in two. 

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Penny shouted. She had Ethan levitate in the air and land in an area far away from the Minotaur. 

"Thanks, Penny." Ethan replied. But the Minotaur wasn't done however. It charged even more at Ethan. "Does Magic not work on this thing?" He thought. That was when he turned his head to another tunnel. And out came Charlie, Tonks, Barnaby, and Corey. They had noticed Penny who was just standing there. 

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