Chapter 73: Palace of Magic.

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"If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill

That Next morning saw Lizzie heading down to the Bazaar to get some clothing supplies and fabrics which would be necessary for the Palace Ball that would be coming soon. Ethan was walking outside with Badeea's cousins. And regaling them with tales on the rest of the world.

"Well, you've seen your fair share of danger." Assef commented. 

"You could say that." Ethan replied. "I assume that Badeea told you about that part." 

"She has. But it was far more interesting to hear from you." Assef said. "Not to offend you, cousin." 

"None taken." Badeea replied. 

Assef then looked at Ethan. "Do you play Quidditch, Ethan Bauer?" He asked.

"No." Ethan answered. "Rath, Skye, Charlie, Andre and Orion are the real Quidditch players." 

That was when Skye came down the stairs. "Somebody say Quidditch?" She asked.

"We were." Assef answered. "You play?"

"Yeah. Chaser." Skye told him. "Rath is a Beater. Ethan actually used to play Quidditch you know. Before... nevermind." She said trying not to bring up Rowan. 

"So, you are a Chaser?" Assef asked.

"You better believe it." Skye answered now looking with pride. "It's more of a family thing that I have to live up to. My Brothers and my Dad are Quidditch Players. Surely you've heard of the famous Parkin family. You know, he created the Parkin Pince." She explained. 

"You guys play Quidditch?" Ethan asked.

"We do." Assef answered. "Quidditch is a very popular sport in The Middle East. But none of us could be as great as the famous Rahim Khaled." 

"Rahim Khaled?" Ethan asked.

"Did somebody say, Rahim Khaled?" Rath asked running down the stairs. Ethan was surprised to see Rath fangirling like that.

"Who's that?" Ethan asked.

"He's only one of the Greatest Quidditch Chasers of all time. He set the all time record for Most Points scored in a single Season." Skye answered. 

Rath smiled nodding her head. "His work on evading beaters may be shaky at times. But his Technique is flawless." She realized that Skye was also saying that last part at the same time.

"Oh, if I could just meet him one time, that would be enough for me." Skye said. 

"Same." Rath added. Ethan was surprised to see that Skye and Rath were getting along so well about that.

Around that time. Lizzie came back into the house with a lot of fabric. 

"Lizzie's back." Ethan realized. He ran over to Lizzie. "Did you find what we need?" He asked.

"You tell me." Lizzie put the fabrics down on a table. "Everything we need is right here." 

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