Chapter 63: Wizard Odyssey.

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"We become just by performing just action, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave action." -Aristotle.

"Still uncomfortable about working with Rakepick." Ethan commented as he was strapping his leather armor on, as well as the others who were in the Ministry of Magic. 

"Well, I'm not too thrilled and I know that Lizzie isn't exactly taking deep breaths about it." Jacob replied. "She's been looking for a Voodoo Doll of Rakepick for the past 1 hour." 

Ethan chuckled. He wished he could find a Voodoo Doll of Rakepick. "How are you feeling, Orion?" He asked who was also strapping on his leather armor.

"Like a leaf in the wind. I must be the leaf." Orion answered.

"You know... I can never figure out what he's saying when he says that." Ethan said to Jacob.

"Neither can any of us, Ethan." Charlie assured as he was walking over. Ethan took this as a sign that Tonks was successful in convincing Charlie to come.

"Thanks again for coming, Charlie." Ethan thanked. "At least I assume that's why you're here."

"No problem. The way I see it. It's an absolute win for me. And it didn't just come down to speaking to Tonks." Charlie explained.

"What is?" Ethan asked.

"Well, you know that usually when it comes to me in Hogwarts. I'm seen keeping an eye on Fred and George, right?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah." Ethan answered.

"Well, this is my last year at Hogwarts. And after this... well I'm not going to be around forever. And from the look of things, Percy is fighting to become a Prefect for next year." Charlie informed. "So... McGonagall is giving Percy the task of watching the twins without me helping. And if Percy is successful. He's got the shoe horn in for prefect. Plus I get away from Fred and George for a bit." He added.

Rath strapped on her leather gauntlets. "Well I'll say this. Rakepick tries anything, her face and my beater stick are going to get well acquainted." She threatened.  

"Meaning-" Charlie was going to ask.

"I know." Orion chimed in. "I know what that means." 

"Great." Ethan replied. "Come on, guys. The faster we get this done. The faster we throw Rakepick back in Azkaban." He said. 

"And stop Slayton from getting his hands on whatever is in the Labyrinth." Jacob added. "We've got to be careful with Rakepick though." 

"I can handle Rakepick." Ethan assured.

"With her, you can never be too careful." Jacob explained. 

"Except this time. We know not to trust her." Rath pointed out.

"Like a sneaky Hide Behind underneath a hollow tree." Orion commented.

Everyone looked at Orion. 

"Hey, fellas. What do you think about this new gear?" Barnaby asked walking up in his new armor. 


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