Chapter 24: No Turning Back.

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"You can lay down and die, or you can get up and fight, but that's it - there's no turning back." -Jon English

The journey through the Portkey was another crazy one. It was fortunate that the Mexican Aurors were able to give the group back their supplies. Something that Ethan appreciated. Because it was one thing to go into a hostile territory without any supplies, it was another thing if you didn't have anything to eat or rest.

Everyone looked around to see nothing but Jungle in their wake. And all around them.

"Where are the temples?" Barnaby asked.

"No clue. They'd said they'd take us into the Mexican Jungle. But I assumed it would be at the temple." Jacob answered.

Diego on the other hand knew the truth. "Because the Temples are protected by a different type of magic." He explained. "We can't Portkey inside of the Temples or near the area. Some powerful magic about it."

"Aw. That's limited." Rath complained.

"Let's just be glad they got us near the jungle." Ethan decided. But it was starting to get late outside. The sun was setting.

"I think we should make camp. The Jungle is not a place you want to be alone in at nightfall." Diego suggested.

And with that, the tent was all set up. And everyone was trying their hardest to keep their heads in the game.

"How long has it been since we've last left Hogwarts?" Ethan asked trying to eat his sandwich.

"About a month." Jacob answered.

"One Month?" Barnaby asked in disbelief.

"We knew it would take a long time." Rath replied.

"Better hope we get Penny soon. Cause we're almost low on food and supplies." Tulip announced.

"Yeah, and now that we're going into the Jungle, things are really going to be hectic." Diego added.

"I was so close to Penny." Ethan thought out loud. "That Slayton is a bastard if ever I saw one."

"Tell me about it." Jacob replied. One look from the guy and Jacob wanted so bad to smack upside the head.

"Who exactly is Slayton?" Rath asked.

"He runs the Mid Atlantic Wizard Mobster Gang in America." Ethan answered. "Also the guy who is responsible for the Red Dust."

"Oh, yeah. That guy." Tulip heard rumors about the stuff going on in America from her parents. "From what my parents told me: Slayton is a man who lives by his own rules. Wants nothing but money and power." She said.

"Sounds like a nice guy." Rath sarcastically commented.

"No wonder he fits in well with Trotsky." Jacob thought out loud.

"No wonder I'm going to bash in his skull." Ethan replied. Everyone looked at Ethan. "What? I'm not the only one thinking it. He and Trotsky are going to sacrifice Penny to the Gods if we don't succeed."

"Well that's why we've got to succeed." Jacob replied. He cleaned off the table. "Alright. Off to bed. Barnaby. You're taking the first watch." He commanded.

And with that, everyone went to bed. Except for Barnaby.

Nightmares for Ethan sucked. And this one was no exception. Ethan found himself surrounded by all different types of Ancient Mayan walls. Wondering through all the hallways, as Ethan could hear different types of chanting. "Jacob? Barnaby? Diego? Rath? Tulip?" He asked. He was all alone. But he could hear a voice.

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