Chapter 72: Sea of Sand.

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"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -Francis of Assisi.

Ethan had gone over to the Hogwarts Training Grounds to wait for the Circle of Khanna. In a sense this felt like the whole Mexico rescue all over again. Except this time, there wasn't a whole hostage rescue to worry about. And instead it was to find where Bill had gone and what had happened to him. That was what the Circle wanted to know. He saw Jacob and Lizzie approach.

"Sorry, we're late, E. Lizzie had to make something for you." Jacob explained their lateness as Lizzie carried a box. 

"What's in the box?" Ethan asked. 

"Oh, just something for navigating the sands of Saudi Arabia." Lizzie answered. 

"Lizzie, I used my Leather Armor for navigating Mexico." Ethan pointed out. "No offense." 

"None taken. Because the Saudi Desert is nothing like the Mexican Desert." Lizzie shot back. "So... I got you something to help you with the journey." She then pulled out some new desert armor to Ethan.

"Sweet, Lizzie." Ethan commented. "You made this for me?"

"And for the others." Lizzie added. "They're kind of putting it on right now." 

Ethan turned to see Penny coming out first along with Tonks and Chiara. "Looks a little odd don't you think?" Penny asked.

"You look fine to me, Penny." Ethan answered. "How do you feel, Tonks and Chiara?"

"Well, the armor does feel cold to put on." Tonks admitted.

"That's the idea, Tonks." Lizzie explained. "I designed it to be able for the person to regulate temperature to match the environment of the scorching sands and the sun." 

"Well, that's good to know." Chiara replied. "You couldn't have made this for when we went to Greece, though?" She asked.

Lizzie gave Chiara a look. "I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I was kind of too focused on sucker punching Rakepick." 

"Point taken." Chiara replied.

"Where's everyone else?" Ethan asked. 

The next two to show up were Liz and Barnaby. "Here I am!" Barnaby yelled. "Here I am!" 

"Here we are." Liz corrected. 

"Thanks for helping, Liz." Ethan thanked again.

"No problem, Ethan. Who knows, maybe Barnaby will bring back some of the Magical Creatures of Persia." Liz replied. 

"Are you guys the only Slytherins that are joining us?" Jacob asked.

"Well, we don't have Merula or Ismelda with us, remember?" Liz asked. 

"Well, there's that." Ethan pointed out. 

"Oh that's okay. Slytherin doesn't really have the best reputation around Hogwarts these days. Which is kind of a shame that we get stereotyped as the evil bad guys around here. It kind of a surprise to most people that we wish to help." Liz admitted.

"Everyone was surprised that I was sorted into Slytherin." Barnaby added. And he didn't really think of himself as a Slytherin, given the fact that he was none of the things that describe a Slytherin's personality. At least Liz on the other hand, she was resourceful.

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