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I just won the sports festival again. Kate got second place and someone from the support course got third.

Now it's the next day about 5am and I'm currently in Hosu. I was flying around till I saw Ingeniam(Is he In or En) laying on the ground Stain ready to finish him off. I dive down and kicked Stain away from him.

I inspect Ingeniam. 'Damn his wounds need to be treated now or he'll be paralyzed permanently.' I thought. I look at Stain.

"You. I'll deal with you next time." I said still looking at him.

I crouched next to Ingeniam we sink into the shadows. When we emerge from the shadows we're in front of a hospital. As I pick him up I heal him as to not cause more damage. We entered the hospital. When the receptionist saw us she yells for help.

The doctors came.

"He has severe damage to his spine. Show me to the OR. I'll preform the surgery. I'm a licensed doctor." I said. They nod, they led me to the first available OR. During this time Ingeniam parents were called.

They were waiting. After hours we were done. I was going over the medical file while they took Tensy(Correct me please). I made my way to his room after writing down what was needed.

I entered the room and saw worried parents.

"Mr. And Mrs. Iida?" I asked.

They turned to me.

"Yes." Mr. Iida said.

"Well Tensy suffered damage to his spine. Luckily I managed to get him to the hospital in time I also preformed the surgery because of my knowledge and healing." I said.

"Will he be okay?" Mrs. Iida asked.

"Yes. At first he'll have trouble walking but with physical therapy he'll make a full recovery. He should be waking up after the anesthetic wears off. He is really lucky that I found him in time." I said. Mrs. Iida cried tears of joy at the news. "I wouldn't let someone's hero career end so soon."

Time skip....

Tensy has woken and Tenya left the Sports Festival and is in the room. After they talked Tenya came out of the room. Before he left the hospital I conner him.

"I know what you're thinking so stop it now before you regret it. If you go after Stain then be prepared to face the consequences. Be it death at the hands of Stain or expulsion from UA or put in prison by the police." I warned him and walk away.

I made my way around the city. After finding nothing I made my way back to the hotel I'm staying at.

For the next few days I've been patrolling Hosu. On the third day LOV attacked Hosu and I encountered Stain.

I followed Tenya till we arrived at an alley where Stain was about to kill Native before Tenya could attack I stepped in. I got Native away from Stain.

"What ate you doing here!? This has nothing to do with you!" Tenya yells.

"You better take Native and run, if you attack Stain I'll arrest you as a villain for illegal quirk usage." I said. He and Stain were surprised by this.

"I have to take him down!" Tenya yells.

"Fine." I said stepping aside. "But if you take him down your future goes down with him. Do you really want to be that much of a disappointment to your family and friends?" I ask. He steps back.

"No." He said.

"Then take Native. Send any heroes this way." I said.

He turns around after picking up Native and ran.

Celestial Hero: AzazelWhere stories live. Discover now