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I was dead tired. After the exam I was exhausted. But resting isn't a luxury I'm given because tomorrow I'm attending a summer training camp with 1-B.

I packed enough clothes for the time there. I also have my hero costume with me.

The next morning I was with Dad in the car. He driving behind the bus that has 1-B in it. The dive was long.

"So where are we going for this training camp?" I asked.

"Well the Wild Wild Pussycats were kind enough to let us use the large forest area they own to do the camp." He said.

'Wait Kota is with Mandalay for summer, so that means he's at the camp.' I got excited. We arrive at a cliff. I see smoke in the distance. And I knew what was about to happen.

Everyone looked confused why we stopped here. Just as the Pussycats finished introducing themselves I ran past them and jumped off the cliff and landed on the ground. I ran in the direction of the camp. Soon I heard the other students screaming.

I took down mud monsters left and right. After half an hour I made it to the campsite. I was panting a bit.

"You made it!" Pixi Bob said.

"Yeah it was a bit of exercise." I said.

I compose myself. "You can go and relax in tge hot springs. And Midoriya Kota is in his room if you want to surprise him." Mandalay said. I nod and made my way to where she said Kota is.

I knock on the door. I hear him say come in. I open the door and walked in.

"Hey little hero." I said. I see Kota snap his head towards me. He jumps up from his bed and into my arms. Tears of joy runs down his face.

"Izuku you're here! But why?" He asked.

"Well I'm here for the training camp. You'll see me for an entire week." I said holding him tight.

"Yay!" He cheers. I laughed at him.

"Well I'm going to take a bath and then hit the hot spring." I said. He nods. "I'll see you later."

I made my way to the baths. After washing myself I got into the hot spring to soak. I sense the other coming closer so I get out after a nice soak. I dried myself then got dressed. My outfit consists of tights with shorts over and a open back shirt.

I walked outside where everyone was now gathered. I walk over to Kota and tapped his shoulder. He turn to look at me.

"You want to go for a fly?" I asked I see his face light up he nods frantically. I laughed and picked him up.

My wings appeared. "Mrs. Aizawa, Mandalay Kota and I are going for a fly!" I said. The students were confused.

I took to the sky. It's been a while since I got to fly in the open like this. I hear Kota cheering as we sore through the sky. I smiled at the joy he is feeling. It was moments like this that makes me want to be a hero to be able to protect people and their hearts.

After about 10 minutes of flying I got a telepathic message from Mandalay that we havd to come back for dinner. I took us back and landed where everyone was gathered.

"Enjoyed yourself?" Dad asked.

"Very much thanks." I said.

"Alright everyone tonight we made a feast but from tomorrow you'll be cooking your own meals." Tiger said. Everyone started eating.

Kota decided he doesn't need a seat he'll use my lap as one. I only laughed and ate my food as he ate his. I can hear Kate giggle next to me.

After dinner was over Kota asked me to stay with him at night. We fell asleep with him in my arms.

Celestial Hero: AzazelWhere stories live. Discover now