1 | Room 240

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They say the scariest things come during the night.

Y/n thought that was bullshit.

Keyword: thought.

"Come on Y/n, we'll get a couple of drinks and just hang out. It'll be fun!"

"Sorry I can't, I really need to study for finals because I know for a fact I'm going to fail."

The rest of the friend group huffed, some still trying to get them to come. However, seeing as though Y/n wasn't going to give in, everyone gave up. The friend group waved Y/n off as they parted ways, leaving Y/n standing there.

"Stay safe, make sure none of you get killed!" They shouted, slightly joking. Lately, there had been lots of cases of killings in the area, too many to count. Fortunately, there hadn't been any cases for students on campus, but that didn't stop anyone from being scared. People only went out in large groups, and no one was left alone outside for too long.

Sighing when their friends were out of sight, they turned around to walk the opposite direction, where their dorm was located. Second story of all the dorms, down 40 doors.

Room 240.

Y/n was a college student at a competitive school. They had started around four months ago, leaving their family to pursue their dream career. Nothing was going to get in their way.

Of course, Y/n wasn't necessarily perfect. They had the occasional couple of drinks, went to some parties, and got high a couple of times. But with finals only two weeks away, Y/n didn't have the time to go drink. They had to pass.

Getting to the block where their dorm was, Y/n opened the door to their dorm, quickly shutting it and dropping their bag on their floor. It was a long day, and yet it still hadn't come to an end.

Flopping themselves onto their bed, they scrolled through their phone, taking a small break before they went back to studying.

"God my head hurts so bad..." they mumbled into the bed sheets, laying in silence for a couple of seconds. When deciding that the universe wouldn't do things for them, they decided to go and freshen up, hoping it would make them feel at least a little better.

Y/n got out of the shower, drying their hair off and putting their towel on a stand to dry. Y/n got lucky, the school had a bathroom per dorm. They were beyond happy when they found this out, because communal showers were a slight ick for them.

Finally sitting down on their bed, Y/n took out their books and laptop, flipping to where they had left off from last time.

Around 30 minutes in, Y/n started their first break down of the night. All because of a math problem that didn't make sense. From there they spiraled to the shitty teacher of the course, despite Y/n knowing what was to come the moment they were handed the syllabus.

They eventually found out how to do it thanks to the heavenly app that was Photomath. It turned out to be a step they had missed, but that didn't matter now.

Two hours passed, Y/n was getting tired but still powered through. They had gotten through a good portion of the material and were deciding to wrap up for the night soon.

"God my neck hurts, I should really get a chiropractor or something." They mumbled, stretching their limbs.

"I'll gladly be your chiropractor, how about we start by breaking off that pretty head of yours."

Y/n's body completely stilled, heart pounding in their ears upon hearing the voice of someone else. This was it, this was where they'd die.

The stranger wrapped their cold hand around Y/n's throat, tightening the grip so breathing would come as a struggle to them.

Y/n wanted to scream. Yell for help, fight back. Do something. But when they looked at the papers and laptop, they realized something.

The killer seemed to be confused at Y/n's lack of reaction, pushing them just slightly.

"Are you in fucking shock or something, scream you whore!" Y/n took a deep breath, moving their eyes to glimpse up at the stranger.

"Well, I thought it would be my finals that killed me, but I guess this is a nice way to die too."

The killer paused for a second, processing exactly what they just said.

"Are you fucking mental?" His grip on the throat tightened slightly, his other hand raising to their head. In that hand contained a crowbar, and with the laptop as a source of light, Y/n was able to see the blood of who knows what else.

"Well I'd like to think I'm perfectly sane, but I have my moments." The killer sighed in frustration, furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

"I'm too fucking tired to be dealing with this. You want to fucking die? Here we fucking go-"

Before he could completely finish his sentence, there was a jingling of keys outside, followed by the sound of someone putting the key inside of the dorm room lock. In an instant, the killer who once had his hands around Y/n jumped out the window. Y/n had to admit, it was really impressive.

The door finally opened, and in stumbled Y/n's dormmate, who looked very tired.

"Y/n? You're still awake? Go to fucking bed." Y/n smiled, starting to pack their books up and put them back into their book bag.

"Hello to you too, how was the hangout?" They asked their dorm mate, Whose name was Verita. Verita grumbled, flopping onto her bed face down.

"Can you start the shower for me Y/n?" Y/n hummed, closing their laptop and getting up to go into the bathroom.

It was only then did they realize that they were holding in a breath. The Adrenaline from that killer must've finally started to wear down, because Y/n was now freaking out. How could they do such a risky thing like that? They had to be mentally insane or something.

After Y/n turned the shower on, they looked at themselves in the mirror. Sure enough, their neck started to bruise from the killer choking them.


Not even a minute later did Verita walk into the bathroom, a towel and some clothes with her.

"Thank you so much Y/n, if I didn't have a boyfriend I'd literally give you the best head ever." Y/n chuckled a bit, rolling their eyes.

"Okay weirdo!"

Y/n started to get ready for bed, putting their book bag to the side. They took a good look at the opened window.

Before they didn't have much of a problem with the window being open, seeing as they were on the second floor and no one would be able to look in on them. But how the murder somehow got all the way up there made them question the abilities of the killer.

'What the fuck did I get myself into?'

. . .

Hello and welcome to my third book!! I hope all of you that are reading enjoy the book <3



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