" Let's go, we're taking her home. " He says as he heads down the hall. Kayla took of the headset and followed.  They met up with a very friendly nurse who led them to the psychiatric rehabilitation center. There was a gay looking middle aged woman at the small reception  area. After flashing her the discharge  files Dr Lange had given him, she points at a door.

He was ushered to a glass room where he could clearly see the frail form of his mother in a wheelchair as she stared far off into the distance. With other  troubled women around her going about their  own activities.

The nurse went in and wheeled her out.

" Kobby!" His mother smiles in sheer ecstasy when she set eyes on him, she turned and saw her daughter and Lejandro, " Sweetie what are you doing here?"

Kayla blushed, " Hey Mama."

" Here are her stuff." The nurse brought a basket full of her stuff, mainly books and sketchpads, " She drew a lot of things in here."

" I appreciate that." Kayla beams and took it from her.

" We're going home mom." Kobby says and she seemed to have frozen for a moment looking panicked.

" I'd suggest you avoid sending her home or saying anything remotely related to that, it's sort of a trigger word now. Maybe a good friend with a cheerful atmosphere will do." The nurse says.

" Thank you so much." Kobby says before she walked away.

" How about a visit to Vanessa!" Lejandro suggested.

" Leelee!" She beams in the wheelchair using the pet name everyone had for Lejandro and all the nurses around turned to look at Lejandro who blushed.

Kobby and Kayla laughed and he wheeled her out.

Ashanti sat on her porch looking on at the overwhelming number of people, mainly being school mates who had shown up at her house. Turns out word spreads out quite fast on social media. Friends invited friends and all those who wanted to escape their parents and home in general  suddenly showed up.  Now everything had become too much for her and the only sane person in a two meter radius was Healenore.

None of the actual people she had invited had shown up. Her house was filled with mainly Manhattan girls and a couple of her classmates. So the moment she heard Faye's call from the living room, she dashed out of the game room where she had concealed herself.

Everyone was enjoying themselves outside. Donald had done a great job cleaning up the house and getting music and snacks. She had smartly locked the liquor cabinet and kept everyone outside on the patio and summer hut. She had only told Donald to allow only some specific names indoors.

" Wow Ashanti, you're a mess." Faye observed from her unruly hair to the baggy t-shirt and shorts.

Ashanti embraced the life out of Faye and Healenore showed up from behind her.

" Dude what's up with her?" Faye asked when Ashanti didn't let go.

" Turns out she hasn't done this before so she's terrified to have this many people around." Healenore chuckles.

" You poor thing. I mean this has been my dream. The most rebellious act but I'll be stuck between watching my father chase everyone out with a rifle or  get them to do a hundred pushups for invading his privacy. I've never been able to throw a rager." Faye pushed her back and said.

" I know, now that you're here, I'm gonna go take a shower." Ashanti croaks.

" Atta girl." Healenore laughs.

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