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Legthal Fighting; a match between two or more competitors. If more than two people and an even number of the lot. The teams will be in two. Most matches are with only knives. Some matches with special weapons not generally used.

All competitors must wear the same elastic protection suit. This suit will make sure they are hard to be harmed over the body, however hands and face are free. If a knife or other sharp weapon is used roughly, there is a good chance the suit will cut and the body of the contestant will be free to attack.

If a contestant knows they will lose and/or are too weak to continue they may surrender by dropping their weapon and holding their hands up.

The opponent may keep attacking till these signs are fulfilled.

Killing the opposing contestant will result in an arrest and the competitor will be put in jail. The same goes for any stabbing of the chest area. Cutting a slit across the area is fine, unless it goes through or into the persons body.

Attacking must stop if any of these signs are fulfilled.
-loss of consciousness
-opponent is declared to have lost by the so called „referee" or „commentator"

Enjoy the show.


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