Tears were pouring from her violet eyes like rain.

"We were going to have a family. A son. One who we'd raise with the love and care you never gave me!"

"Love?" The blonde scoffed. "Oh Marie, you truly have disgraced us! Falling in love with a human, marrying a human, and worst of all, conceding to birth a human's child! This is unacceptable!"

"Your hatred and cruelty is what's unacceptable! I never realized how beastly our kind was until I met Etienne!"

"Beastly? You dare to address us as such?!"

"Marie we know that you think that you were meant to be with this human." The red head said. "But what you had with him was an illusion. It wasn't real happiness."

"How would you know?!" Marie snapped. "You never took the time to learn what could give me real happiness!"

"We're your family. We know what's best."

"You're not my family! You never were! I hate you! I hate you both! And I'll never forgive you for this!"

"Marie." The red head said sounding hurt.

"Enough!" The blonde declared. "It's time that you return to your senses! And if ending the life of that urchin you call a mate, will not do it, then perhaps another method will get through to you."

"What do mean?"

"You call us beastly but humans are the real beasts! They are that way right from birth! And this will prove it to you!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

Her oldest sister looked upon the red stag that the prince had killed. Wicked inspiration filled her mind.

"Yes, I think that will do just fine."

The rest Charlotte could not hear but she could tell that the sisters were planning something. The middle sister appeared to be reluctant to go along with whatever plan the oldest had come up with but she still went along with it. They joined hands and spoke in tongues, a red mist covered the princess and the dead stag. She suddenly dropped to the floor, her arms clutching her belly, screams coming from her mouth as she felt a great pain from within.

For a moment, Charlotte thought that she was about to give birth but no such event occurred. When the mist cleared the stag was left in a skeleton form and Marie's pain had subsided.

"My baby!" Marie screamed, her hands still on her baby. "You killed my baby!"

"No not killed." The red head corrected. "It still lives."

"If killing that human wouldn't bring you to your senses than what good would killing his bastard do?" The blonde said with venom.

"What have you done?" Marie trembled. "What in God's name have you done?!"

"We have merely made the abomination inside of you look as all humans truly do. Monstrous. Or as you would say, beastly."

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