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The hospital room I had to stay in overnight, that was watched over by two Section 17 agents, was lightened by the lights of mid-morning, as I lie half down, sighing: too much had happened those past few days, and my body was screaming that it couldn't handle it anymore...

The door slowly opens, and when I turn my head slowly, and see Ingrid standing by the entrance, a bunch of red roses wrapped in a cute black paper inside her hands, my heart just stop beating. 

She asks for permission to enter through her eyes and, when I nod, she immediately puts the flowers down on the gifts table and sits down on my side, visibly moved to see me alive and (kinda) well. 

She cracks a smile when she concedes:

"I find it impressive that you still look good after getting abducted by your crazy ex"

I start laughing, but it hurts my stomach to do so: the huge bruises from the kidnapping and the trip in the van would still hurt like hell. Concerned, Ingrid loses her smile and looks at me, waiting for me to say something - anything. 

Setting my jaw and overcoming the pain, I just say in a weak voice:

"Sorry I missed our date."

Letting a laugh escape her throat, Ingrid's hand reaches for mine, squeezing it softly, while her eyes soften. 

"I'm just glad you are alive" she whispers, before her smile once again fades, and that she declares in a serious voice: "I know we were supposed to wait for our date to have that talk, but I really don't wanna wait anymore, just in case one of us gets kidnapped again..."

I raise my eyebrows. 

In the meantime, Ingrid just takes a piece of paper out of her pocket, which makes me smirk: this is so her.

I remain silent, as she says in a soft voice:

"Frida. Sometimes it's hard for me to deal with what's going on inside my mind, especially when it comes to you it seems. But here we are: ever since I've met you, beyond the apparent hate there was this inexplicable feeling that grew with the years. You know by now that words aren't my thing, but you are. I've waited very long to say what I want to say to you, because it frightened me at first, but now... I know what I want."

She gets closer, while a tear rolls down my eyes.

Never before have I felt such a feeling of relief, of pure... joy? I chuckle, quite impressed by the effect she is having on me, before whispering:

"... you're gonna make me blush, moron."

But she ignores me.

"Jeg elsker deg" she whispers in Norwegian, before finally closing the gap between us. (English: I love you.)

As soon as her lips capture mine, as she presses them against mine with intention and passion, I let a small surprised moan out, but still kiss her back with everything I had. My hands find their way to her jaw, as she did the same seconds before. Her tongue asks for permission, which I happily grant, feeling the butterflies in my stomach take off inside my whole body, invading every space available for loving her. 

As things get more heated, I softly push her away, and while her eyes express a sudden fear that I might push her away for real, I just laugh softly, glue our foreheads together, and whisper:

"Jag älskar dig också" (English: I love you too in Swedish).

Her eyes lighten, as she kisses me once again.

THE VELVET KILLERS IIWhere stories live. Discover now