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Special one-pov flashback chapter


Melanie is waiting for me to talk, but once I told her that part of my memories I tried so much to forget, I know there's no going back...

Either way, I say:

"It all started to get worse when I actually got to Senior Prom Night: we prepared this whole set up, and while Sam had to pour the new drug solution onto the alcohol-free drinks, the rest of us had to take care of private clients. It was a masked party, so when Pernille and I arrived there, we knew we had to create a diversion: that's why we pretended to be dating, and suddenly the most popular girl in town, Miss Perfect, was dating the thug from a poor, immigrant family. Everybody went crazy, staring at us in total awe. I knew this would hurt Leah, and when she saw me with Pernille, she just went on to drink more and more. 

If only I knew that we was about to get drugged that night, I would never have let her get onto that state. But I had other troubles in mind: it was our last night, our great escape, the cherry on top of everything we've worked for and built over those three years. 

Only one hour into the party, as everybody was gathered in the main room so that prom king and queens would be crowned, I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket, and when I read the text from the hidden number, my blood ran cold: YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED - SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES. I showed it to Pernille, but as we were about to exit the room in order to find the others, the spotlight illuminated us: we got crowned Prom Queens. 

After a few more hours, while teenagers were beyond drunk and high, we finally made it toward the exit: we knew the person who was sending those text was about to do something that would impact us all. 

Only, when I get to the exit and onto the balcony, I felt a presence behind me: I turned around, and saw a very drunk Leah Williamson.

"So" she said, visibly not controlling herself in any level, "Congrats about you and Harder, you guys found each other I see. Funny how I could believe you weren't like those girls you're hanging out with.

"I'm sorry Leah, but I really don't have the time to deal with you right now..." I started, and at that same moment I saw a shadow in the woods.

"You never have the time" Leah insists, grabbing my arm and pulling me toward the woods. She was barely standing, leaning against me, adding: "You never-"

But I couldn't let her go on, so I just interrupt:

"Leah, no offense, but I think a friend of mine is in danger. There's someone threatening us in that very party, and I need to find out who they are  before something bad happens. I'm sorry, we can discuss that later."

Her facial expressions immediately changed, as she would just frown, trying to make sense of what I am saying while also trying to deal with her alcoholic level. She starts feeling bad and throws up on the ground next to me, as I roll my eyes: now really isn't the time. 

Ada and Pernille ran toward us, realizing the shitty situation I was in. 

"You two, go!" Ada orders, frowning, "I'll take care of Williamson."

Pernille and I both nodding our heads, we rush into the forest, after the person we briefly saw that was spying on us for sure. 

I would always remember the messages on the group chat around 2 AM:

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