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(prologue book 1)

Her hands full of blood, Leah gasps.

"Help me out, please" Alexia orders, out of breath.

While Leah couldn't move anymore, she just watches as Ingrid helps grabbing the dead person's feet, as both her and Alexia lift it with difficulty, before dropping it in the hole they've spent hours to dig.

Setting her jaw, Alexia just says:

"After tonight, we are not allowed to talk about it anymore. We will pack our bags and leave the city, and never come back."

The other two nod.


And they indeed never talked about it ever again.

The months following Jason McCabe's disappearance and Marìa Leòn's death were heavy on the consciences of the good people of Saint Ives. Nobody dared to go out at night in the streets. Childhood friends that used to always get together were cold toward each other all of a sudden. 

It took the school three weeks to heal from the past events and put together a graduation ceremony for the seniors of their beloved high school to receive their diplomas. 

But nobody was talking about Kyah Simon, who indeed disappeared that night as well - but her history of fleeing her violent parents' house having come to light recently prevented people from thinking something terrible actually happened to her. They just thought she finally was gone to a better place, without her evil parents. 

Jenni Hermoso and Kyah Simon had secretly been seeing each other for two years, and one might say it was love at first sight. While Jenni was using her free time developing a drug business, Kyah was one of the soccer team's best player. They met one day during a science project at school, and never left each other until Senior Prom Night.

The night everything changed...


The dark clouds were threatening to release their account of rain for the night when 18-years-old Jenni enters the ball room. Tonight, she and her associated had scheduled a big hit for their last time doing business together (or so they thought), and everything was going according to plan. High school students were secretly taking drugs, and everybody seemed so very happy - apart from a few people throwing up in the toilets already, 'tolerance zero' they called it. 

Jenni found Mapi as expected, and when the two women embrace each other, the blonde lets out:

"Wow, you really did dress up, uh?"

"What can I say: I've got a girl now, Leòn."

"Yeah I've heard" the other girl just said, before smirking. She looks around, before adding: "I'm happy for you, gringa, you deserve it. Now, I've got stuff to do, and so do you. See you once this night is over, eh?"

"Count on me!"

With that said, Mapi disappeared onto the crowd, and it was the last time they saw each other alive.

Jenni found her way through the crowd, saluting a handful of her friends, all smiles; she came across from Ada, who was visibly in this fight with her sister (as always), but also Pernille who was busy with customers, and Sam, who was hitting on pretty girls on the edge of the room. Jenni smirks, but they were not the women she wanted to see.

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