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I wake up with my heart pounding against my head, as my body hurts everywhere. 

I was still in the cute dress I chose for my date with Ingrid - fucking hell, of course something had to happen to me right when I was about to see the woman I fell in love with and have THE talk probably... now she must think I don't like her - but blood was on my arms and legs, and probably on my face. A weak light was finding its way inside by small breaks, and I soon realise I am in a sort of container. 

What kind of messed-up shit is that? I think to myself, a headache kicking in. 

Soon enough - maybe after one or two hours, I really lost track of time because of my head hurting like a dog - the door opens, and when the light of day comes inside the container, I have to hide my eyes from it, blinded by the sun. I nevertheless see shadows dancing around me, and soon I feel a pressure on my arm. I am blindsided, my hands tied together, and soon I find myself in a car. 

The trip lasted 40 minutes or so, and when the doors are slammed, I just pray that this isn't some operation to get rid of my body or something. When I get out, still held by two people, I hear the sounds of waves.

The mask on my head is removed, and I find myself facing a quiet beach: we are just outside of London, and the Thames has gone a bit higher because of the rain that's been increasingly falling lately. 

I frown when I see Ona Batlle, aka my ex-girlfriend, stand in front of me, the mask I was just wearing inside her hands.

"You look gorgeous Fridolina, just like I remember."

"What the hell is going on? You could at least have the decency to explain why-"

"Easy there tiger" Ona lets out, visibly amused, "everything comes to those who wait. But before that, the both of us are going to take a walk together. If you try anything, I have the permission to shoot you, so I really wouldn't if I was you."

Rolling my eyes, I start walking alongside my ex.

Ona and me had a rather great love story, that lasted four years when we were in senior year of high school and at the start of our college education. We eventually broke up because of the distance: Ona went back to Spain to do her military service, while I, on the other hand, went back to Stockholm to take advantage of a scholarship. We never had the teary breakup we deserved: instead, we just met once in Sweden and I told her it was over, and then we never got to see each other again... 

... until now that she's freaking abducted me. WTF

"So, are you gonna do some small talk instead of telling me why the FUCK I've been put in a box for God knowns how long and why we're now taking a FUCKING walk near the Thames, uh? Jävla stilla" (English: fucking hell)

"Dios mìo" she lets out, raising her eyebrows (English: my God!) before continuing right away: "You were more relax back in the days, you know. Have you considered meditation? Turns out it can really help a person..."

"Well" I let out, out of my mind, "I was relaxed until I got taken against my will and held inside a cage - I think that's a pretty natural reaction, don't you?"

Ona rolls her eyes.

"Just know that, if it wasn't for me and our past, you would've been dead already, Frido" the Spanish aggressively lets out, shrugging. As I frown, she explains herself: "You weren't the target, but you happened to walk past the street where we took Jill Roord, so... We couldn't take any chances."

My eyes go wide.

"What do you mean you took Jill? Why?"

"Oh, come on, you know why." she lets out but, as she realises by my face that I did not know what was going on, she sighs and continues: "Your little friend is working with the cops."

THE VELVET KILLERS IIWhere stories live. Discover now