(10) ALEXIA + SHELINA = <(/)3

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Special one-pov chapter



Everything turned to literal shit once again.

Ever since my sister (miraculously) came back to life, everything seemed to be so unsteady all of a sudden. I mean, it took me some time to somehow get better after losing my mother and Leah in a matter of days - thankfully, Shelina was there through it all, bearing with me, my tears and my screams of anger. She was the only steady thing in my life right now, as the whole Saint Ives drama resurfaced. 

Although Ingrid and I are definitely ruled as innocents - which was corroborated by Mapi's testimony in court, explaining that she had been almost killed by Jason McCabe, that then also had an illegal relationship with Jenni Hermoso, 17, and an attempted rape on Ingrid, which leads to the police thinking it was self-defence (which is truly was). Either way, although I wasn't speaking to my sister because of all the hurt and history between us, I was quite relieved that she'd testify.

This morning, however, I was less happy about it, and the apparent steadiness of my sentimental life was shattered.

"Ale" Shelina says, closing my apartments door behind her, "we need to talk. It's important."

Raising my eyebrows, I just smirk. 

"You know I was in court, right?" I ask as a rhetorical question, quite mad. The blonde immediately knows that I know, before I declare: "You lied to me from the very start, you pretended to be someone you're not... For fuck's sake, She-She, you saved my sister and made her work in a drug cartel in freakin' Argentina... And then you didn't even tell me she was alive while we were engaging in an intimate relationship ! What the hell-"

"I know, I fucked up" Shelina interrupts me, visibly sorry, "I just... I was held by the confidentiality of the case, I had no choice..."

"Bullshit. You and I both know we all have a choice, especially when it comes to matter of the heart... I can't believe you of all people betrayed me... What is even real about you, uh?"

Shelina seems hurt, but doesn't act on her feelings, as she calmly settles, trying to grab my hand while I avoid her.

"Ale, listen... Everything was real... It is real... I fell for you for real... I never faked any of it. And if you knew how many times I've been dying to tell you, it's just..."

"How am I supposed to trust you now, uh? All you say to me is a lie! What tells me you're not under confidential contract right here, right now, and are faking being in love with me to get intel from me, uh? Nothing you say to me sounds like the truth anymore."

A tear rolls down Shelina's cheek, as she stares at the ground for a while. My heart seems to explode and tear itself up into small pieces that now are on fire. I had never before in my life felt like this - yes, Mapi faking her death was harsh, but it was different: the woman I fell in love with is a fraud.

Setting her jaw, Shelina reaches out for her pocket, and takes a small box out. Rolling my eyes, I just start to turn around, but she prevents me from doing so, and soon I come face to face with Shelina's teary eyes and an opened box with a magnificent ring inside of it.

I gasp, as Shelina says in what sounds like an honest tone:

"I know I never told you that yet, but I love you, Alexia. You came into my life like a storm, taking no prisoners, and you stole my heart. All I do now is for you, for us. I had no way of knowing the sister of the woman whose life I saved was my soulmate, I swear... I fell in love with you, Alexia, this is something one can't fake... I had this whole plan to take you to the mountains this weekend, so we would make love under warm covers... And then I would've taken this little thing out and asked you if you wanted to be my wife... You've gotta believe me, I would never do that if I wasn't all in."

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