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"... what you mean she hasn't talked since...?" 

"She's been staring into utter emptiness for the past five hours... She hasn't said a word, nor eaten, nor drank, nothing... I don't even think she's blinked..."

"Considering she just killed someone, that's pretty understandable. She hasn't tried to contact anyone, as she?"

"Of course not! I mean I've never seen her like that... What are we gonna do...?"

"First of all, you need to calm down, Roord, otherwise we won't go far..."

"Calm down ? What do you think, that everybody is a heartless piece of shit that just bears with murder better than she handles human relationships ? Sorry if we're not like you..."

"Fair enough. Now, concentrate: we have to come up with a back story about why Frida is missing one week of work minimum... I mean, she never does usually, right? Then we gotta find a rock-solid reason as of where she was last night and something terrible that occurred in her family..."

"She used Sweden already once as an excuse when Ingrid disappeared... so let's not count on that again, otherwise it will get suspicious."

"Goddamn it."

"What about telling everyone she got sick?"

"Problem is: if someone finds the body or if the person Frida killed is researched by her family, then it will be very suspicious that Frida missed work for a week... The best solution would be for her to go straight back to work... this afternoon."

"This after- Are you insane? She can barely connect to reality! How do you want her to do her job ? - 'cause in case you've forgotten, she's head journalist, people are relying on her... Plus, now that Ingrid's back, she will know something is up..."

My brain suddenly wakes up.

"Ingrid is h-h-here?" I ask, as both Mapi and Jill stare at me in utter shock. Setting my jaw, I just snap out of my trance and continue: "What do you mean she's here? T-they've found her?"

Mapi and Jill exchange a look, before the Spanish declares:

"Yeah, last night Section 17 went on a successful mission to rescue her... She's under police protection right now..."

Without thinking, I get up, grab my coat, under Jill's mesmerized eyes, and Mapi's murderous ones. As I am about to exit my apartment, they both get in the way.  

A bit more diplomatic, Jill goes on to say:

"Listen, Frido, don't you think it's a bad idea to just run to Ingrid when she knows you pretty well and could discover that you ki-"

"I am fine, I just needed a moment to get a hold on myself" I say, trying to convince myself. Honestly, my mind was completely empty if it wasn't for Ingrid being finally safe and alive, so I add: "The body's been taken care of, right? (Mapi nods, crossing her arms against her chest) Then we will manage whatever comes next. I just... I can't stay here anymore, otherwise I'll get insane... Plus, like you said, it's suspicious. So, let me through."

They exchange an ultimate look before getting out of the way, as I burst out of my apartment, determined to just carry on with my life, and seeing Ingrid again after some long and interminable weeks...

Without truly knowing why... or maybe I knew.



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