Special Chapter: Neue Jahr Null

Comenzar desde el principio

After she snapped her finger, float system of Avalon has exploded

Avalon Crew 3#: what the heck?!

Avalon Crew 7#: our float system has exploded!

Schneizel: huh?!

Euphemia: Impressive, isn't it?

Meanwhile in Knightmare hangar in Avalon

Cecile: what happened?!

Avalon Crew 4#: the float system has

Suzaku: what?! What could be?!

But to his surprise, Lancelot lit up on his own and there was a red glow in his eyes, until finally he forced Avalon out of the way.

Suzaku: Lancelot on his own?

Lloyd: Oh no! My precious Knightmare!

Back to Avalon Bridge Deck

Avalon Crew 3#: Escape via escape pod!

But the escape pod was destroyed too, since Euphemia knew if this happened, they would run away

Kanon: How dare you! You will get us all killed!

Schneizel: guards! Take her!

But a man came from above the bridge deck and it turned out to be Aldrich

Avalon Crew 7#: Who are you?!

Schneizel: (mind) Aldrich von Anderson. Well that unexpected

Aldrich: I act as God's own wrath upon the Earth, raining down the divine punishment of heaven, I will purify them all with His might

Kanon: open fire!

All the Britannia soldiers are shooting at Aldrich, but they don't know that Aldrich has a Regeneration cell

All Britannian Army: *screaming while shoot*

Aldrich: In the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost... Amen

Then the bayonet stabbed them all from their heads to their bodies.

Kanon: w-what?! H-how could be?!

Then Lancelot damaged the outside of the bridge deck and took Aldrich and Euphemia out of there

Euphemia: Auf wiedersehn~

And Lancelot ran away from there

Schneizel: this is bad!

Kanon: get ready to crashed! Prepared for impact!

They were all holding on to something they could hold onto, in the end, Avalon fell on near Tskhinvali, Reichskommissariat Kaukasien.

In the ground

German troops in the area surrounded the fallen Avalon which almost hit the town of Tskhinvali

Back to Avalon, another room

Anya: Milly, are you okay?

Milly: I'm okay. Where are we?

Gino: Don't know, but we're around the German teritory, if not mistaken it's Reichskommissariat Kaukasien

Milly: really? What is he thinking?!

Gino: I hear he wanna testing the German airspace defence

Anya: what?! Are he crazy? What happened now?

Gino: were crashed in near town in Reichskommissariat Kaukasien, Tskhinvali

Milly: oh great, now Lloyd take me to the Chinese Federation and now he take me in German teritory

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