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Two years.
Two years, maybe more, is how long it's been since I've been sick. And even then I could ask my father for a hug, Or sit anywhere else but this bed.
Not with covid. No. This is far more contagious and far more risky than a regular cold.
I'm fine though. I'm vaccinated, you're vaccinated, we're almost all vaccinated so why do I panic?
I panic because on day three when I thought I was getting better I got worse.
I panic because I can't trace back exactly to who gave this to me or who I might've given it to.
I panic because I can't leave this room.
I panic because every time I look down at my hands I see germs leaking from every crevice.
I panic. Over and over again over this pandemic. My heart never slowing, my lungs forever spasming.
Nothing bad happened to me.
Just a cold. Just a cold. Just a cold.
I may no longer be sick, but my head is spinning and I still can't breathe.
I'm contagious, contaminated, carrying a deadly disease.
I may no longer be sick but my brain is infected with thoughts I just can't shake.
If I could wrap this room up in a garbage bag and set it on fire I would.
I want to leave my body soaking in bleach while I sanitize everything I have touched this past week.
But I can't do that without my hands,
But my hands are contaminated.
No matter how many times I wash them.
No matter if I wear gloves.
No matter if I hold my fingers over a flame for a while.
Nothing works.
It won't ever work because I can't believe it will.
But yes, I'm fine.
I feel great. No more symptoms !
None at all.

Xx fey

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