Notice her.

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See how she sits in your presence,
Is she slouched? Head down? Eyes averted?,
Hear how she talks in your presence,
Is it short? Monotone? Barely audible?,
If yes,
She feels unsafe,
No. Do not argue,
Do not tell her that you've done nothing wrong,
Do not tell her she is safe,
Do not tell her to 'change her attitude',

See how she sits in your presence,
And remember feeling that unsafe,
Trying to guard yourself with your shoulders,
Hear how she talks in your presence,
And allow the conversation to end,
Do not challenge her feelings,
This will only hurt you both,

Notice how your shadow is haunting to her,
Your footsteps terrorize her,
The way you hover over her sends her into a full blown panic,

Notice how she's never home,
And when she is you wouldn't know the difference.

Xx faith.

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