Ch 43 Magical Handcuffs

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It was Saturday, August twentieth, the most perfect Summer day you could imagine. All too soon the children would be going back to Hogwarts. Much of the family was at the New Burrow or Potter's New Burrow this morning, having come over the night before.

Harry looked at his naked wife, lying stretched out on their bed at Potter's New Burrow, obviously enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking. "Molly and the girls are making a fancy breakfast this Saturday morning," he reminded his sexy wife.

"Ravish me again," Ginny moaned.

"Later, Love," Harry laughed. He did not know if Ginny was serious, but this Saturday was free, and ...

"You don't love me," Ginny mockingly sniffed.

"Once a king, always a king, but once a night is enough," Harry laughed.

"And in the morning, and noon, and evening," Ginny countered, laughing herself.

Harry finished dressing. Having a horny wife was hardly a problem, even if her desires could be rather demanding at times.

They walked over to the New Burrow, where breakfast preparations were in full swing. Molly was cooking omelets to order, and had rounded up a couple of the girls to help prepare the ingredients for the omelets. Victoire was cooking pancakes, and Cleo was fussing with some sort of fruit topping for the pancakes.

Rose was arranging the tables. She had talked her grandmother into buying some special summer dishes, and Rose was artfully arranging them, adding flowers to the tables, and making sure the silverware and special napkins were just right.

Ginny looked at all the preparations, looked at Harry, and confessed, "I'm not very domestic, Harry. I'm more than willing to let the Elves cook and do housework." Ginny grinned, whispering, "Sexy, but not very domestic."

Harry could live with that.

Little Minerva was tagging along aside Rose, as Rose was explaining what she was doing. Minerva was domestic in a way Ginny never was. Minerva played with the dollhouse that her brothers had purchased for Ginny in a way she had never played. For Ginny the dollhouse and dolls were the base for going out on adventures, and coming home after you had been victorious. For Minerva the dollhouse was a place to live, have tea parties, raise children, and pretend to be a grownup female.

Rose had taken the time this summer to do the tea party thing with Minerva, along with grandmother Molly and whoever else they could talk into attending, along with a small contingent of dolls and stuffed animals. Rose had talked Scorpius into attending some of Minerva's tea parties, to the great amusement of Narcissa Malfoy, who had attended at least one herself.

Lily Luna came flying into the room, slid to a stop before her parents, and mildly complained, "Bill says we are swimming, not flying, today." Lily grinned. "At least I get to show off my bathing costume! Lily looked lustfully at Bill Lionheart, who rolled his eyes.

Everyone laughed except Lily, who just huffed, grabbed Bill's hand, and went over to order omelets.


Harry, Ginny and little Minerva walked out to the pond. Minerva ran ahead, seeing Barack in the sandbox playing with Harry's construction equipment. Dudley had continued to give Harry a large plastic sand toy, almost always construction equipment, every birthday, and there was quite a collection by this time.

"Play with your toys, Harry," Ginny kidded, as she settled down to look over the rather large group of people who had gathered on this, what Ginny thought, was just the most perfect summer day. It was sunny and warm but not hot, with just the slightest breeze.

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