Ch 25 Back to the Chamber

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Sunday July fourth was a day of rest. The entire Weasley clan took the expanding Closet network back to Grimmauld Place very early, and from there went to the New Burrow for breakfast and a reasonably relaxing day with Molly, Arthur and the entire expanding family. Narcissa Malfoy came over, but she told anyone who asked, "No, I did not let Draco know that Scorpius and Cleo were going to be here. I understand that they have to go back to Switzerland tonight."

That evening Albus, Rose, Scorpius and Cleo returned to Switzerland, along with their Elves. Tomorrow they were going to review all that was known about the chamber, and Tuesday they were going to enter it again.


Monday Ron woke up to find Hermione snuggled up against him. She was not wearing her usual nightgown, and he could feel that she had used one of the spells that would keep him turned on.

Magi did have an abundance of spells to enhance sexual pleasure and performance.

"Good morning," Ron whispered.

"Mmmmm," Hermione cooed.

"I do not have to be at the store early today, Mrs. Granger-Weasley," Ron added.

Hermione sighed, wiggled her body up against Ron until they were face to face, and kissed him, then quickly cast a breath refreshing spell on both their mouths. They snuggled together for what seemed to Ron a long time, not saying anything. Hermione was not her usual self, eager to jump out of bed and go to work. She was not even eager for a quick shag. Eventually Ron wondered, "What is on your mind, Hermione?"

"There is always too much on my mind," Hermione sighed. "I don't know what I want right now. Just hold me. Let me think. Let me not think, just be held."

Ron laughed.

"I think Rose may be like my mother, and not work outside the home, except for helping Scorpius," Hermione reflected. "I need to accept that. Maybe I can be a little more, not a housewife, we have Elves and I don't need to be like your mum, but just ..."

"You are overthinking again, Hermione," Ron sighed. "I love you just the way you are. Relax."

Hermione gave Ron a big kiss, admitting, "I'm not very good at relaxing." She lay down on her back and told Ron, "Make love to me. Let me try to relax, and let you make love to me."

Ron saw Hermione breathe deeply, trying to relax. She was not her usual self, eager to do.

Ron used every trick he could think of to turn Hermione on gently, eventually entering into her as gently as he had ever done and working to quietly stay coupled together. It worked until it didn't, and then Hermione was very turned on indeed. Twice. The second time they came together.

After a late breakfast Ron took Hermione to work, giving her a long lover's kiss before they parted.

Hermione grinned to her staff as she went into her office. Life was good.


Monday morning July fifth Albus, Cleo, Jesus and Ginny Wang met with Thorin and a large group of Magi and High Elves to go over what information they did have on the chamber they last entered June nineteenth, two weeks ago. They met in a moderate sized room on floor Minus Two in the palace, an inside room with a wall of windows to the atrium in the middle of the palace. Two walls of the room were white, and with markers or wands you could write on the walls. There was even a computer projecting a display on one section of the white wall.

Galadriel was not there; Albus asked where she was.

Thorin explained, "There is going to be a full week of follow up after this year's ICWW and the High Elf meetings, and she is going to be in meetings most of the week. She will be available to open the doors tomorrow, but she will not be with us more than is absolutely necessary."

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