Ch 16 Rose, Scorpius, and the Malfoy Family

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By the end of Sunday everyone in the Weasley family knew that Rose and Scorpius were girlfriend and boyfriend, dance partners and more. Everyone approved, although there was a great deal of good natured taking the mickey.

Sunday night much of the family stayed at the New Burrow or Potter's New Burrow. Monday was going to be warm and sunny, and the cousins who could, some with friends over, wanted to spend part of it at the pond. Rose, Lily and Cleo were sharing a bedroom.

"Scorpius is flying with us Monday morning," Lily announced, mostly to Rose, "but you can have him in the afternoon."

"I don't OWN him, Lily!" Rose protested.

Lily looked at Rose, scrunched up her face, and strongly suggested, "You NEED better bathing costumes, Rose! Both of yours are like too many of the rest of your clothes, like you will get dragon pox if you show any skin. You need a little bikini or at least a one piece that shows your nice waist and some breast. You are a hot witch and you need to show it!"

"My bathing costumes show that I'm a girl!" Rose objected.

"Well, it's pretty hard to hide THAT," Lily scoffed. "Don't tell me you don't enjoy it when Scorpius has his bathing costume on, bare chested. He is a good looking wizard."

Rose looked at Lily and Cleo, not sure how to respond. Finally, she asked, "Cleo?"

"I do not know fashion," Cleo admitted, "but I think you would send just the right signals by wearing a one-piece bathing costume that was acceptable to your parents, but not TOO modest."

Rose went to bed thinking about bathing costumes and dresses and, maybe, showing a little more skin. She was one of the witches that really knew style, and she had advised a number of the young witches on what to wear and how to look. She really could easily show much more skin, without being inappropriate in any way.

Rose had to admit that Lily was right. She ought to be freer to show some skin. She did want Scorpius to LOOK at her, just not STARE. She wanted him to touch her as well, skin to skin, some, but not too much, not too much feeling her but some but, how come this was so confusing?


Monday morning Rose asked her aunt, "Aunt Ginny, can you take me clothes shopping this morning?"

"As long as we leave right after breakfast," Ginny responded.

"I want to see what she picks out," Lily added. "Could I go?"

"Rose, do you mind?" Ginny wondered.

Rose looked at Lily, thinking of her comment. Lily was going to be an advocate for a rather skimpy bathing costume. Well, Aunt Ginny would want a respectable one. "Yes, Lily can come," Rose finally answered.

"I will stay with Minerva," Cleo volunteered. "We can play with dolls and read books together."


Rose had spent most of her life in love with clothes, and fashion. She knew when something was inappropriate. She had suggested to many witches as they looked at clothes that they could look a little sexier if they wanted to. It was just that she had an image of herself that was all business, and as such her clothes all covered her from her neck to her knees. Even her bathing costumes were modest one piece things that covered as much as they could. Well, they had purchased two bathing costumes, and although they were not tiny little things they were certainly more revealing.

Maybe she should have a few dresses or blouses that covered a little less. It would probably make her feel more like a desirable female, and she wanted to show that side of her to Scorpius. If she had that side of her. Well, she guessed, she did, after the last couple of days.

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