Ch 28 Teddy Escapes

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Teddy took out the maps out and photographs, and put them next to his torso, fastening them on with a sticking spell. He took two duplicated out, and hid one of them. Ann and Orwant would know where to find it, but it would be risking their lives trying to take it off the island. He took the other one to give to another of the undercover Aurors. He looked at the woman he had a daughter with, one of two women pregnant with another one of Teddy's children. His normal bedmate was a wicked witch, just a terrible person, and her oldest son was growing up to be nasty too.

Leaving his daughter was tough, but better than watching her grow up in this wicked place.

He didn't know what to feel about the other pregnant witch. Everything was so perverted on the Island of the Pirate Witch Queen of the Caribbean! He knew he was going to spend the rest of his life regretting what he had to do to get these maps. He could only hope and pray that someone would get these maps back to Harry and the rest of the International Aurors.

He was so damaged that maybe it was better if he was dead, but he knew the maps and the island better than anyone. Ann and Orwant had been gone for six weeks or more, and Teddy knew of only two other undercover Aurors. For the first time in months all three would be on patrol this morning.

The three of them were flying together. Teddy told the other two, a witch and a wizard, "I have maps, and I need to escape and get these to the Aurors. Cover me." He then handed one set of maps to the undercover witch, just in case she escaped and he didn't.

"You need to get out alive, Edwardo," the witch grimly replied. "Do not worry about us."

The three dived down, and skimming the ocean flew under the spells guarding the island and hiding it, before flying well above the waves again, heading towards the nearest friendly island. Teddy send a Patronus to Dan VanLente, saying, "I am trying to escape. Heading due north. Intercept the three of us, please!"

Dementors were pursuing them, but all three conjured Patronus to fend them off. Then a couple of wizards followed, on the fastest pursuit brooms available, catching up to them. The witch and wizard turned to fight, as Teddy climbed, trying to see the next island. Out of the corner of his eye Teddy could see as first one, then the other undercover Magi was killed.

I'm the only one left! I have to get these maps to the Aurors! I see friendly Aurors coming to intercept me.


Teddy didn't think there could be that much pain. He was falling towards the ocean. Someone intercepted him and putting something over his head flew with him under the water, coming up ... Ahhhhhhhhh ... it was so painful he couldn't think.


October fourteenth, twenty-twenty-one, Harry received a call from Dan VanLente. "Harry, you need to be at St. Mungo's in about half an hour. We're bringing Teddy."

Harry said "Dan, how is he?"

"He's alive, Harry, and I hope he'll live. I'll be there in a bit. Only immediate family; don't let anyone else know Teddy is back."


Harry wondered if he should tell Ginny, should he tell Andromeda. Andromeda did not handle bad news well, so he decided the less said to her the better. He knew that Ginny was at the New Burrow, and he took the Floo over there and quietly told Ginny to have others take care of the children and come with him. He thought about Victoire. Was Victoire working? They rushed over to St. Mungo's. There they were met by a wizard who told them, "Come into the restricted section." They walked through a door that was not there. "Unless you have been approved to come in this door does not exist," the wizard explained.

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