Ch 13 Guests Arrive, and Leave

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More great inspiration from Deb and Diane.


Saturday June fifth, Twenty-Twenty-One, the Potter and the Granger-Weasley families moved to Potter's New Burrow.

Monday June seventh Ginny and Rose met Percy as he came through the Floo.

"Welcome to our summer home," Ginny told the young Magi. "There are an unusual number of Magi joining other Quidditch teams, and I am going to be busy most of the week in interviews. Mitzi and I are going to be going back to Grimmauld Place to pick up an Auror guard. I will be back for dinner.

"Meanwhile, Rose, show Percy the property. Make sure he knows where the boundaries of the property are. You are reasonably free as long as you stay in safe space.

"Grandmother Molly expects you for lunch, and of course she is planning a big family dinner."

"Thank you, Aunt Ginny," Rose replied.

Ginny and Mitzi disappeared through the Floo to 'twelve Grimmauld Place.'

"Potter's New Burrow?" Percy wondered. "Do your aunt and uncle own this house?"

"No one will talk to us about who owns what," Rose grumbled. "I know that Uncle Harry is immensely rich, and he never acts like it. Many people share in the ownership of much of what he owns, but that generosity seems to only have made him richer."

"Including your parents?" Percy asked a little too eagerly.

"Yea, I guess," Rose pondered. "I have really not thought much about it. Our parents seldom talk about finances when we are around, but once in a while they talk about business.

"I know Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is very profitable, and that Uncle Harry had something to do with it, but that is all. My father is one of the partners. He and my mother argue a little about not being poor, because he was poor growing up, and I think my father still feels poor some times.

"We are not rich like; it is not like we are just given things. We have all had to transplant magical plants to make money. All of our parents have made it very clear that no matter how much money there is, we are not going to be allowed not to work."

Rose pointed out the kitchen and formal dining area. "There are two big houses that are part of this complex, the New Burrow and Potter's New Burrow. They are more or less mirror images. This is the kitchen and eating area, and over there is a formal dining room. They are usually open to each other, but you can close them off for a moderately sized formal dinner if you want, or so two families or groups can eat at the same time."

They walked through the downstairs, and then up the big main staircase. Rose opened a door, and told Percy, "Put your luggage in here. You are going to have your own room this week. Some of the cousins that stayed here in the summer are not going to be living here this summer."

"Who?" Percy asked.

Rose thought, and went through a list in her head.

"Victoire is staying at home, and working as a healer. Her brother Louis is also at home, and working at Dursley, Potter and Weasley LTD. I think he is also taking Muggle business classes, so he is very busy this summer. Their sister Dominique just married a French winemaker, and she is living in France and working in the winery. That is all of Uncle Bill's family.

"Molly Weasley is married to Rich Hudson. They are living with Rich's parents, in the apartment that the Hudson's build for her parents. I'm not sure if both of Mrs. Hudson's parents, Molly's grandparents-in-law I guess, are dead or if one of them is in a care home, but the apartment was free. It is on this property. They have a son, Kyle, who must be two, and she is expecting a daughter next month. I think she is busy taking care of little children, including her own.

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