Ch 30 Going Home

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Teddy was in St Mungo's four more weeks, getting stronger, dealing with the trauma. They needed to do a fair amount of work on the right arm to get it right. In the end there were still several ugly looking scars, but the arm functioned as it should. The leg was slowly healing, but it would need to wait a couple of months before the stub was healed enough to fit a prosthesis.

Teddy had lost most of his ability to change his appearance. With a lot of work, they made his hair to grow out a light brown, with only hints of florescent pink and blue. At least he looked like Teddy, a rather beaten up Teddy to be sure.

Victoire was with Teddy almost the entire time. She went home to get some clothes. Victoire was having none of the most conservative cover you up clothes her mother had brought over. Being sexy was healing Teddy, and felt good.


After four weeks they were ready to release Teddy. Teddy and Victoire were going to have to face the question of living arrangements. The wizard in charge said he wanted them living together, ideally married as soon as possible, but they were the people who should tell the parents. (He was treating Harry and Ginny as Teddy's parents.)

Harry and Ginny, Bill and Fleur came in the room. Teddy and Victoire were sitting on chairs side by side. Teddy had a casual short sleeve shirt on, that showed the scars on his right arm. He was wearing shorts, and had a trainer on his one good leg. You could see the stub of the other leg, and it still looked really raw but healing. Victoire was wearing a pastel dress with an empire waist, tight under the bust then spreading out from there. It was reasonably low cut in front, enough to show ample cleavage.

Victoire told her parents, "Teddy and I would like to live in one of the suites upstairs in the New Burrow or Potters New Burrow."

Bill inquired, "I thought you were coming home, Victoire."

Victoire insisted, "Home is where Teddy is."

Fleur thought, "Living together you could have baby."

"Oh, we took care of that weeks ago," Victoire bragged.

"Birth control?" asked Bill, suddenly very aware that his little girl was not a virgin any more, nor such a little girl.

"No," Victoire grinned. "We made a baby. Well, we started one."

Teddy looked at Victoire with his eyes wide. He was afraid to look at Bill and Fleur. Bill and Fleur looked at each other in shock, as did Harry and Ginny. Victoire admitted, "I'm only about four weeks pregnant, way too early to make any kind of big announcement."

"The wedding?" Fleur wondered. "I thought maybe June."

"Maybe much sooner," Victoire suggested, "Unless daddy really wants to walk a very pregnant daughter down the aisle."

Everybody looked at Teddy, who scrambled to explain, "The head healer said our love is the best thing for me, even better than chocolate. I have to say its delightful therapy. He also thought that we should sign a formal engagement contract as soon as possible."

Harry insisted, "Where do you want to live? It has to be somewhere where Teddy can stay hidden. We do not want the Pirate Witch Queen of the Caribbean to know Teddy escaped and lived." He wanted to focus on the practical matters at hand and deflect what could be a very awkward conversation about Teddy and Victoire and the baby.

Teddy suggested, "Above grandma and grandpa Weasley would be great. That way we can see my grandmother, and she can get to know her great grandchild. After I am back to work we can look for our own place. Meanwhile, I have years' worth of pay saved up."

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