Ch 36 Meanwhile, Back in England

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Meanwhile, back in England, on Wednesday Scorpius was upset that he had been left alone at Malfoy Manor. After breakfast he asked approached his grandmother. "Grandmother, could I go to Grimmauld Place?"

"I thought the Potters were gone, on vacation?" Narcissa replied. "Where would you stay?"

"I could ask Hugo," Scorpius proposed.

"I would rather you didn't," Narcissa replied. "From talking to his grandmother, I think Hugo spends as much time as he can at the store with his father. You might be sleeping in Hugo's room, but you would really be spending all your time with Rose, unsupervised."

"The New Burrow?" Scorpius suggested.

"Molly has not told me everything, but I gather she is rather busy right now. Besides, one of her sons has just died, and I do not think this is the best time to intrude."

"Could Rose come over here?" Scorpius wondered.

"I have no problem if you ask her," Narcissa replied.

"Will anyone else mind?" Scorpius wondered.

"The question is not if anyone else will mind," Narcissa told her grandson. "The question is if anyone else will be able to keep Rose from coming over if you and I invite her, and there the answer is they will not be able to stop her from coming over."

"I will send her an owl right now," Scorpius replied.


Rose was not really alone, since there were Elves around the property, but basically she was alone at thirteen Grimmauld Place, so when an owl came for her from Scorpius she was pleased. Rose read the owl note. She really did want to go over to Malfoy Manor again, to meet Scorpius's mostly unpleasant family again, and spend time with him. Maybe she could become at least a little more comfortable with someone other than Scorpius's grandmother. She needed to get her parents' permission.

Rose took the Floo over to the quarters above Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, where she was met by Miriam Weasley, who was taking care of toddler Barack and baby daughter Issa. There were a large number of figures on a table, and some sort of card in another pile. "I'm charming the figures to move," Miriam explained, "and then magically pitting them on this hang card. I can do it when I have time, and still take care of the children."

"Do you know where my father is?" Rose wondered.

"Take the Floo to the office," Miriam replied. "I think he and Lee are dealing with some wholesale customers who want more product."

Rose took the Floo over to the office, to find both her father and Lee Jordan on telephones. Her father was saying, "I told you that you should buy more inventory. ... No, we cannot ship more today. We can get more out in two days."

Rose listened as her father wrote on what looked like an order form an order for a number of items, as he continued to talk on the phone. When he was through, he said a charm, and the piece of paper folded itself into the form of a paper airplane and flew off to another part of the office.

"Rose!" Ron exclaimed. "What brings you here?"

"I wanted to ask if I could go over to Malfoy Manor tomorrow after breakfast," Rose asked without preamble. "Scorpius invited me. From what he wrote, he and his grandmother invited me."

"I do not mind," Ron replied. "Ask your mother, and make sure we know where you are at all times."

Ron turned to a young wizard. "Tim, accompany Rose to the Ministry, and then come right back. She is fine once she is in the Ministry proper."

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