Ch 3 The Escape

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More changes due to Deb and Diane. Of course Cleo would have to escape.


Albus Potter found Cleo's clothes, picked them up, and wondered what she had in the pockets of her skirt. Well, it was always a little surprising how much stuff she carried in those pockets. He shrunk the clothes and put them in a pocket of his trousers.

Expecto Patronum!" then, "Lead me to Cleopatra!" Albus mounted his Firebolt, and Frerin and Dis followed on James Firebolt. Albus urged his broom to go as fast as it could, but he could not fly at maximum speed and keep the Patronus visible. Eventually he discovered that he needed to follow the Patronus for about five minutes, then fly as fast as he could for another fifteen, and then allow the Patronus to adjust their course.

They flew for hours. It took less than two hours for them to be above Cleo and the merpeople. The brooms could go way faster than the merpeople could swim. Albus received his father's Patronus. He tried every hour or two to contact Cleo, always with some success, but the message was always the same. "Not yet. Not yet. Merlin I'm tired and cold, and I hear you, but not yet."

Saturday night they were still flying. Albus could create a little water to drink, but he was hungry and tired. He and the two Elves traded off sleeping, one guiding both brooms while the other two tried to get a little sleep, waking up every four hours to make sure they were still on course.

By the middle of Sunday Albus though he could not be more exhausted. He finally received a message from Cleo, "Soon." So Albus flew as close to the top of the ocean as he felt he could, getting soaked and even colder in the process.

"NOW!" came the message. Cleo flew up out of the ocean, changing back to herself in mid-flight. Albus caught her, but a couple of merpeople were holding on to her legs. The Elves flew their broom at the merpeople, who fell back into the ocean.

"FLEE!" Albus yelled, as two Magi came out of the waves, chasing them on brooms. Albus flew as fast as he could, climbing, waving back and forth dodging spells, and the Elves did the same. It took what felt like forever to lose the pursuing Magi.

Cleo was shivering, and Albus charmed a blanket, then another one, and did his best to do a warming charm. He tried to get into Cleo's mind, but there was nothing there. Albus could feel Cleo slipping away. The ring! If ever someone else needed help it was now, so he put the Resurrection Ring on and twirled it three times, pleading, "Help."

Three Magi appeared, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, and another one. "Albus, we are going to merge your magical cores, your souls, to keep both of you alive. You need to let the Elves steer your broom and put all your energy into keeping your soulmate alive. Take your wand and put it into the wand carrier on Cleo, take the ring and put it in the pocket of the wand carrier, and focus on keeping both of you alive."

Albus was not sure who was speaking, although he thought it was Professor Dumbledore. The Dumbledore figure turned to the one Magi Albus did not know. "Merlin, thank you for helping us. Albus, keep praying. You need the help of all the saints in heaven to succeed."

Albus was not sure if one or all three of the Magi were talking to him, but he obeyed. "You are going to have to guide my broom, Frerin, Dis," he told the Elves. "I need to put all my energy into keeping Cleo and myself alive."

The Elves maneuvered the brooms so they could control both of them, and as fast as they could they flew back to Hogwarts.


Harry was snoozing Sunday afternoon when one of the Magi who had been helping him watch Albus and Cleo's names on the large Tapestry woke him. She pointed to the names and symbols. "They are together, but still in mortal danger. Usually when a symbol flashes in and out like that they are close to death, Harry. All I know is that they are alive, and together."

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